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发布时间:2024-05-21 23:12:20

[填空题]If certain linguistics tries to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all, it is ______ linguistics.

更多"If certain linguistics tries to lay"的相关试题:

[填空题]If grammarians try to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all what they have done about a language is prescriptive.()
[单项选择]Under the rules laid down by the bank there is a ______ on the amount of money you can get out from a cash machine in any one day.
A. restriction
B. confinement
C. limitation
D. quota
[单项选择]Elaine, Justin’s mom, had set down the house rules with self-confident assurance. Only the most obtuse person would have failed to understand: no tattoos, no body piercings and no co-ed sleepovers while living in the house of Elaine Tucker Brown. Still, the day Justin turned 18, he lied to his mother about where he was going and headed straight to the tattoo parlor, as if impervious to his mother’s wrath. He got a light blue heart, the size of an orange permanently etched on his arm. Above this work of art was the word "Blessed". No, Justin was not stupid, but he was obstinate. Elaine saw this as an act of sheer defiance. She was incensed, her anger exacerbated by the fact that Justin had breezed into the house, found her in the kitchen, taken off his shirt with a smile and said, "Got it!" "No, Justin. Let me tell what you’ve got, " Elaine said angrily. "You’ve got five minutes to go upstairs and pack a bag. I am taking you to Pop-Pop’s. " The ride to Pop-Pop’s house was chilly, to say
A. "House Rules"
B. "Visiting Pop-Pop"
C. "Straight A’s"
D. " Body Piercings/
[填空题]They lay face down on the beach, ______________________.(背部暴露在阳光下).

Emotion Display Rules

Emotion display rules are the unwritten and often unformulated "rules" guiding the show of emotion in different cultures. They help determine which emotion can be shown in what way by whom and in what situation. Research has shown that not only deliberate but even spontaneous shows of emotion follow rules that vary with culture. Often, what emotion may be displayed and in what way change depending on the agent’s age, gender, social status etc. One presently unpopular corollary to the existence of such rules is the implication that cultural stereotypes may, indeed, have a basis in fact.
Question Explain how the example of the professor’s four-year-old daughter demonstrates the concept of emotion display rules in the reading passage.
Now hear a talk on the same subject.
[简答题]a. Jack lay on his bed.
b. Jack lay in his bed.
[填空题]Eileen admires Jerry very much and often tries to learn from him so as to improve her writing.
[填空题]This passage tries to explain the reason why mothers often have a sixth sense.

[单项选择]Passage OneA. It tries to categorize the different kinds of sharks throughout the world.
B. It tries to warn humans of the dangers posed by sharks.
C. It tries to describe the characteristics of Shark teeth.
D. It tries to clear up misconceptions about sharks.
The Anti- Alcohol Campaign Tries in Russia

Last week Russian President Dmitry Medvedev kicked off a new anti - alcohol campaign aimed at cutting the nation’s per capita consumption of alcohol by nearly a quarter by 2012.
Russians currently drink about 18 liters (19 quarts) a year, more than double the 8 liters (8.4 quarts) deemed safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). With each additional liter, adds the WHO, men can subtract 11 months from their average life expectancy.
The latest move consists of three parts: a media campaign, restrictions on beer consumption, and strict penalties for selling to minors. Russian officials plan to set up more than 500 health centers by the end of the year, complete with Soviet - era tactics like drawings of cimlosis (肝硬化) - stricken livers on their walls.
Even with such aggressive measures, it’ s hardly the most ambitious campaign Russians has ever launched against drinking. Former le
A. To limit the expenditure on drinking.
B. To restraint the development of beverage industry.
C. To lead people to drink less alcohol beverage.
D. To show govemment’ s concern about public healt

Uffizi Tries to Outdo Louvre
Italy is to try to turn the Uffizi gallery in Florence into Europe’s premier art museum, with an ambitious 56m euro scheme to double its exhibition space.
Giuliano Urbani, Italy’s culture minister, said the enlarged gallery would surpass "even the Louvre".
By the time work is completed, visitors to the extensively remodeled Uffizi will be able to see 800 new works, including many now confined to the gallery’s storerooms for lack of space.
The project—the outcome of nine months of intensive work by a team of architects, engineers and technicians—is a centrepiece of the cultural policy of Silvio Berlusconi’s government.
With refurbishment plans also afoot for the Accademia in Venice and the Brera in Milan, Italy is bent on securing its share of a market for cultural tourism that is threatened not just by the Louvr
A. increase Stendhal’s syndrome in visitors
B. no longer contain national archives on the ground floor of Uffizi
C. provide a systematic survey of art history
D. enable the display of works of several Renaissance painters


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