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[单项选择] Diseases of Agricultural Plants
Plants, like animals, are subject to diseases of various kinds. It has been estimated that some 30,000 different diseases attack our economic plants; forty are known to attack corn, and about as many attack wheat. The results of unchecked plant disease are all too obvious in countries which have marginal food supplies. The problem will soon be more widespread as the population of the world increases at its frightening rate. Even in countries which are now amply fed by their agricultural products there could soon be critical food shortages. It is easy to imagine the consequences of some disastrous attack on one of the major crops; the resulting famines could kill millions of people, and the resulting hardship on other millions could cause political upheavals disastrous to the order of the world.
Some plants have relative immunity to a great many diseases, while others have a susceptibility to them. The tolerance of a particular plant changes as the growing conditions change. A blight may be but a local infection easily controlled; on the other hand it can attack particular plants in a whole region or nation. An example is the blight which killed virtually every chestnut tree in North America. Another is the famous potato blight in Ireland in the last century. As a result of that, it was estimated that one million people died of starvation and related ailments.
Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in identifying the pathogens of the various diseases. Bacteria may invade a plant through an infestation of insect parasites carrying the pathogen. A plant can also be inoculated by man. Other diseases might be caused by fungus which attacks the plant in the form of a mold or smut or rust. Frequently such a primary infection will weaken the plant so that a secondary infection may result from9 its lack of tolerance. The symptoms shown may cause an error in diagnosis10, so that treatment may be directed toward bacteria which could be the result of a susceptibility caused by a primary virus infection.Which of the following statements is not true
A. Some plant diseases may be caused by bacteria.
B. Some plant diseases may be caused by pathogens.
C. Some plant diseases may be caused by fungus.
D. Symptoms are always helpful in identifying diseases.
Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university, reveals a major new study 1 out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study 2 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976. The research group analyses the 3 of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link 4 good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for 5 thinking and verbal comprehension. But it is only fitness that plays a 6 in the results for the IQ test, and not strength. "Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung 7 and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen," says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. "This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular 8 . We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important."
By analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been 9 to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that 10 the link between fitness and a higher IQ.
"We have also shown that those youngsters who 11 their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance," says Maria Aberg, researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre. "This being the case, physical education is a 12 that has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must 13 we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects."
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service 14 the socio-economic status of the men later in life. Those who were fit at 18 were more 15 to go into higher education, and many secured more qualified jobs.
A. answers
B. questions
C. standards
D. results
Virtual Driver
Driving involves sharp eyes and keen ears, analyzing with a brain, and coordination between hands, feet and brain. A man has sharp eyes and keen ears, analyzes through his brain, and maintains coordination (协调) between his hands and brains. He can control a fast-moving car with different parts of his body. 1 Apparently there isn’t anyone in the driver’s cab (驾驶室), but there is in fact a virtual driver. This virtual driver has eyes, brains, hands and feet too. The minicameras on each side of the car are its eyes and are responsible for observing the road conditions ahead of it as well as the traffic to its left and right. If you open the boot (行李箱), you can see the most important part of the automatic driving system: a built-in computer. 2 The brain of the car is responsible for calculating the speeds objects surrounding the car are moving at, analyzing their position on the road, choosing the fight path, and giving orders to the wheel and the control system.
In comparison with the human brain, the virtual driver’s best advantage is that it reacts quickly. 3 However, it takes the world’s best racecar driver at least one second to react, and this doesn’t include the time he needs to take action.
With its rapid reaction and accurate control, the virtual driver can reduce the accident rate on expressways considerably. In this case, is it possible for us to let it drive at any time and in any place 4 With its limited ability to recognize things, the car can now only travel on expressways.
The intelligent car determines its direction by the clear lines that mark the lanes clearly and recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes. 5 This being the case, people still have high hopes about driverless cars, and think highly intelligent cars are what the cars of the future should be like.
A. Experts say that we cannot do that just yet.
B. In the near future, intelligent cars will be put into commercial operation.
C. This is the brain of the car.
D. But how does an intelligent car control itself
E. It completes the processing of the images sent by the cameras within 100 milliseconds.
F. However, it cannot recognize moving people and bicycles on ordinary roads that have no clear markings on them.
Cloning(克隆): Future Perfect
1. A clone is all exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell. Since Scottish scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997, research into cloning has grown rapidly. In May 1998, scientists in Massachusetts managed to create two identical calves (牛犊) using cloning technology. A mouse has also been cloned successfully. But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement: "We will have managed to clone a human being within the next two years," he told the world.
2. Seed’s announcement provoked a lot of media attention, most of it negative. In Europe, nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the US the President announced, "We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and many states in the US will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3. Many researchers are not so negative about cloning, they are worried that laws banning human cloning will threaten important research. In March, The New England Journal of Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken. Many researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it, human cloning will have become routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4. Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world The public has been bombarded (轰炸) with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as cartoons. Such information is often misleading, and makes people wonder what on earth the scientists will be doing next.
Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning humans. It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our child to look like. But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds, the anti-cloners ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners (赞成克隆的人).Paragraph 2 ______
[单项选择] Crystal Ear
One day a friend asked my wife Jill if I wanted a hearing aid. "He certainly does," replied Jill. After hearing about a remarkable new product, Jill finally got up me nerve to ask me if I’d ever thought about getting a heating aid. "No way." I said. "It would make me look 20 years older." "No, no," she replied. "This is entirely different. It’s Crystal Ear!" Jill was tight. Crystal Ear is different—not the old-styled body worn or over—the—ear aid, but an advanced personal sound system so small that it’s like contacts (隐形眼镜) for your ears. And Crystal Ear is super sensitive and powerful, too. You will hear sounds your ears have been missing for years. Crystal Ear will make speech louder, and the sound is pure and natural.
I couldn’t believe how tiny it is. It is smaller than the tip of my little finger and it’s almost invisible when worn. There are no wires, no behind-the-ear device. Put it in your ear and its ready-to wear mold (形状) fits comfortably. Since it’s not too loud or too fight, you may even forget that you’re wearing it! Use it at work or at play. And if your hearing problem is worse in certain situations, use Crystal Ear only when you need it.
Hearing loss, which occurs typically prior to teenage years, progresses throughout one’s life time. Although hearing loss is now the world’s number one health problem, nearly 90 percent of people suffering hearing loss choose to leave the problem untreated. For many millions, treating hearing loss in a conventional way can involve numerous office visits, expensive testing and adjustments to fit your ear. Thanks to Crystal Ear, the "sound solution" is now convenient. Almost 90 percent of people with mild hearing loss, and millions more with just a little hearing drop-off, can be dramatically helped with Crystal Ear. Moreover, its superior design is energy-efficient, so batteries can last months. Crystal Ear is now available to help these people treat their hearing loss with a small heating amplifier(放大器).Initially the writer did not want to buy a hearing aid because ______.
A. it would make him look old
B. It would make him nervous
C. it was too expensive
D. it was old-styled
Cosmetic Surgery
Surgery that can improve the way a person looks is becoming more and more popular in the United States. This kind of surgery is called cosmetic surgery, and both men and women are turning to this treatment as a way of keeping their appearance young as well as keeping competitive (有竞争力的) in their jobs. Men especially are beginning to turn to face-lifts (面部拉皮手术), liposuction (taking fat out of the body), and implants (putting artificial parts into their bodies) to help them look younger. As companies downsize (编造) and move younger employees into higher positions, older employees in their late forties and early fifties feel the need to look and act younger in order to stay competitive. These operations are not without dangers, however.
One young woman had an eye operation to get rid of the bags under her eyes. She described her experience as terrible. She said, "When he started cutting, I was fully awake. Even though he’d given me an injection near my eyes, I saw everything." She went on to explain, "I knew I had to keep still because of what he was doing. He was scraping (刮) away fat underneath my eyes. It took about ten minutes. After he finished, I felt I couldn’t walk. I was so faint." Her troubles did not end after the operation for two weeks. Her eyes were swollen (肿胀的) and almost completely closed, and even dark glasses could not hide the side effects of the operation.
Liposuction, taking fat out of the body, is probably the most popular cosmetic operation in the United States. It seems simple enough. First, a small cut is made over the place where the patient wants the fat removed. Next, a small pipe is put into the cut. A machine like a vacuum cleaner is then used to suck the fat out of the body. However, as one doctor explained, some problems call happen after the operation. He warned, "Irregular lumps and loose skin can reset from this operation. If it is not evenly done, liposuction can produce a very lumpy result." Patients often must have more liposuction to correct the problem.The way a man looks has little to do with the job opportunities he may have.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[单项选择] Effects of Environmental Pollution
If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, formation of aerosols (浮质) in the atmosphere will cause the onset (开始) of an ice age in about fifty years’ time. This conclusion, reached by Dr. S.I. Rasool and Dr. S.H. Schneider of the United States Goddard Space Flight Centre, answers the apparently conflicting questions of whether an increase in the carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) content of the atmosphere will cause the Earth to warm up or increasing the aerosol content will cause it to cool down. The Americans have shown conclusively that the aerosol question is dominant.
Two specters haunting conservationists have been the prospect that environmental pollution might lead to the planet’s becoming unbearably hot or cold. One of these ghosts has now been laid. Because it seems that even an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to eight times its present value will produce an increase in temperature of only 2℃, which would take place over several thousand years. But the other problem now looms larger than ever.
Aerosols are collections of small liquid or solid particles dispersed in air or some other medium. The particles are all so tiny that each is composed of only a few hundred atoms. Because of this they can float in the air for a very long time. Perhaps the most commonly experienced aerosol is industrial smog (烟雾) of the kind that plagued London in the 1950s and is an even greater problem in Los Angeles today. These collections of aerosols reflect the Sun’s heat and thereby cause the Earth to cool.
Dr. Rasool and Dr. Schneider have calculated the exact effect of a dust aerosol layer just above the Earth’s surface in the temperature of the planet. As the layer builds up, the present delicate balance between the amount of heat absorbed from the Sun and the amount radiated from the Earth is disturbed. The aerosol layer not only reflects much of the Sun’s light but also transmits the infrared (红外线的) radiation from below. So, while the heat input to the surface drops, the loss of heat remains high until the planet cools to a new balanced state.
Within fifty years, if no steps are taken to stop the spread of aerosols in the atmosphere, a cooling of the Earth by as much as 3.5℃ seems inevitable. If that lasts for only a few years it would start another ice age, and because the growing ice caps at each pole would themselves reflect much of the Sun’s radiation it would probably continue to develop even if the aerosol layer were destroyed.
The only bright spot in this gloomy forecast lies in the hope expressed by Dr. Rasool and Dr. Schneider that nuclear power may replace fossil fuels in time to prevent the aerosol content of the atmosphere from becoming critical.We learn from the third paragraph that ______.
A. London was plagued with rats in the 1950s
B. London is covered with smog today
C. London was polluted by smog in the 1950s
D. Los Angeles is as heavily polluted today as London was in the 1950s
