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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:38:22

[单项选择]How close parents are to their children______ strong influence on the character of the children.
A. have
B. had
C. has
D. having

更多"How close parents are to their chil"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How close parents are to their children has a strong ______ on the character of the children
A. inference
B. affection
C. influence
D. efficiency
[单项选择]How close parents are to their children can produce some influence ______ their children.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
[单项选择]How close parents are to their children ______ strong influences on the characters of the children.
A. have
B. has
C. having
D. to have
[单项选择]How close parents are to their children ______ a strong influence on the character of the children.
A. have
B. has
C. having
D. to have
[单项选择]How close parents are to their children______a strong influence on the development of the children’s character.
A. have
B. has
C. having
D. had
[单项选择]Parents have to learn how to follow a baby's behavior and adapt the tone of their ________ to the baby's capabilities.
A. perceptions
B. consultations
C. interactions
D. interruptions
[单项选择]How do the parents respond to babies' cry
A. They come to doubt it.
B. They take it seriously.
C. They are indifferent to it.
D. They are weary of it.
[单项选择]In America, how many people are homeless parents
A. 6,000.
B. 250,000.
C. 500,000.
D. 750,000.
[单项选择]How did the author's parents differ from the Whites
[单项选择]How did the graduate's parents react to their child's pure American accent
A. Unhappy.
B. Satisfied.
C. Surprised.
D. Suspicious.
[单项选择]-- How often do you go to see your parents -- ______.
A. In no time
B. After a while
C. In a short time
D. From time to time
[单项选择]How close adults are to their youngsters ______ a strong influence on the development of the children's character.
A. have
B. has
C. having
D. to have
[单项选择]First, health is the key to happiness. Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.
A. 第一,健壮是快乐的基础。只要身体强健,一个人就能体验生的趣味。
B. 首先,健康是幸福的关键。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。
C. 首先,健康是愉快的秘诀。只有健壮的人能够品味到生活的快乐。
D. 第一,健康是愉快的基础。有强壮体魄的人才谈得到生活中的乐事。
[单项选择]If our candidates ______elected, we'll have a strong board.
A. (A) are
B. (B) were
C. (C) have been
D. (D) will be
[单项选择]The Maintenance of Parents Bill
A. received unanimous support in the Singapore Parliament.
B. was believed to solve all the problems of the elderly poor.
C. was intended to substitute for traditional values in Singapore.
D. was passed to make the young more responsible to the old.
[单项选择]Peter lived with his parents.
[单项选择]Children nowadays are different from their parents in the way that _________.
A. they cause trouble in cinemas
B. they are more visually aware
C. they have perfect eyesight
D. they are more easy to spoil
[单项选择]Because American parents believe that knowledge leads to a meaningful life, they try to give youngsters many opportunities to develop skills and______ interests.

A. worth
B. worthy
C. valuable
D. worthwhile


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