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发布时间:2023-10-12 11:42:44

[单项选择]Because weekend sailors can not always the wind, many sailboats have auxiliary engines.
A. bear upon
B. hold upon
C. count upon
D. come upon

更多"Because weekend sailors can not alw"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One should always remember that appearances can be ______ .
A. wrong
B. mistaken
C. incorrect
D. false
[单项选择]Last weekend, we went to our ______ because he is iii.
[单项选择]He is always working()he can.
A. as hardly as
B. as hard as
C. so hardly as
D. so hard as
[单项选择](), there can be no wind.
A. The moon having not atmosphere
B. The moon's having no atmosphere
C. For the moon to have no atmosphere
D. The moon having no atmosphere
[单项选择]Children are always happy. They can play ______.
[单项选择]We cannot always {{U}}count on{{/U}} the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be driven by water.
A. hang on
B. depend on
C. hold on
D. come on
[单项选择]How much a person can earn is not always a good ______ of real success in life.
A. essence
B. decree
C. qualification
D. criterion
[单项选择]You can always () Jim in a crisis, for he is simply the most helpful person I've ever known.
A. refer to
B. count on
C. cope with
D. run into
[单项选择]He is a (true) friend (of mine), whom I can always (depend) whenever I (get into) trouble.
A. true
B. of mine
C. depend
D. get into
[单项选择](No matter) poor one (may be), (one) can always find something to be (thankful for).
A. No matter
B. may be
C. one
D. thankful for
[单项选择]I can't understand why he always avoid ______ with me.
A. to speak
B. speaking
C. having spoken
D. to have spoken
[单项选择]She's always been kind to me — I can't just turn ______ on her now that she needs my help.
A. my back
B. my head
C. my eye
D. my shoulder
[单项选择]She always thinks of ______ she can do her bit for the family.
A. where
B. when
C. what
D. how
[单项选择]A man who always ______ his salary can never be come very wealthy.
A. anticipate
B. articulate
C. manifest
D. monitor
[单项选择]I can't always figure______what my teacher means in class.
A. off
B. in
C. at
D. out
[单项选择]You can always ___________ your best friend to help you out when you get into trouble.
A. hope
B. expect
C. wish
D. rely
[单项选择]The prevailing wind is the wind direction most often observed during a given time period. Wind speed is the rate at which the air moves past a stationary object.
A. motionless
B. massive
C. flexible
D. noticeable


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