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发布时间:2023-10-11 09:13:44

[单项选择]Benin Mayer Alcott based the principal characters of her book Little Women on her sisters and herself.
A. original
B. central
C. subjunctive
D. oriental

更多"Benin Mayer Alcott based the princi"的相关试题:

A. 15°
B. 25°
C. 35°
D. 37°
E. 45°
[单项选择]On what are their research findings based
A. A survey of farmers in northern Japan
B. Tests performed on a thousand old people
C. The study of brain volumes of different people
D. The latest development of computer technology
[单项选择]They declared that all discrimination based on either race or religion was a threat to national unity and a __________ to American democracy.
A. maneuver
B. melody
C. menace
D. miniature
[单项选择]Based on the following information, calculate the basic earnings per share. Income after tax: $180000 50000 common stock of $ 5 par: $ 250000 10000, 8% preference share of $ 5 par: $ 50000()
A. $3.23.
B. $3.52.
C. $4.97.
[单项选择]Milton's Paradise Lost was based on
[单项选择]Which software-based security threat is typically spread from user to user via e-mail?()
A. Data interception
B. Virus
C. Trojan horse
D. Denial of service
[多项选择]Which two features characterize controller-based deployments in a WLAN?()
A. individual device configuration
B. roaming that is facilitated bywirelee-location services
C. coverage of a single area
D. coverage of large areas
E. seamless roaming throughout the network
[判断题]Componential analysis is based on the belief that the meaning of a word cannot be dissected into meaning components, called semantic feature.
[多项选择]Which two wireless encryption methods are based on the RC4 encryption algorithm? ()
[单项选择]The estimate is based on the
A. direction of the hill
B. accepted speed of sound
C. interval between sound and echo
D. both B and C
[单项选择]On which of the following assumptions is based the belief, that tree-ring thicknesses show links between solar periodicity and terrestrial climate
A. Solar-activity cycle existed m its present form during the period in question.
B. Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species.
C. Tree-ring thickness varies with changes in terrestrial climate.
D. Both terrestrial climate and solar-activity cycle randomly affect tree-ring thickness.
[单项选择]Based on the information provided in paragraph 3, if a man dreamed of being hit by a train, it is likely that he______.
A. has been hit by a train before
B. believes in the existence of trains
C. believes that it is possible to be hit by a train
D. is afraid of being hit by a train
[单项选择]Which conclusion can be drawn based on the opinions of the Japanese people (in Paragraph 2 and 4 of this passage)
[单项选择]The possible research of family trees is based on the fact that ______.
A. genetics has achieved a breakthrough
B. genetic information contained DNA can be revealed now
C. each individual carries a unique record of whom he is and how he is related to others
D. we can use DNA to prove how distant an individual is to a family, a group or a population
[单项选择]Based upon the following information, what is the net Operating income of the property Estimated Market Value $600000 Capitalization Rate 20% Taxes $27000 Operating Expenses $1137000()
A. $960O0.
B. $98800.
C. $120000.
[单项选择]We can infer that entertainment in 1845 was based on
A. melodrama.
B. double consciousness.
C. electronic media,
D. artful deception.
[单项选择]Modem plant breading is largely based on planned hybridization combined with ______ selection to speed up the evolution of new varieties.
A. stringent
B. stem
C. emergent
D. austere


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