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发布时间:2023-10-18 01:15:26

[单项选择]A group of youngsters sat under the big tree ______.
A. chatting and laughing
B. chatted and laughed
C. was chatting and laughing
D. was chatted and laughed

更多"A group of youngsters sat under the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There ______ a great number of ants under the tree.
[多项选择]Under which two circumstances should Spanning Tree Protocol be implemented?()
A. to ensure a loop-free topology
B. to protect against user-side loops
C. when a VLAN spans access layer switches
D. for the most deterministic and highly available network topology
E. because of the risk of lost connectivity without Spanning Tree Protocol
[单项选择]The old man used to ______ under the tree for hours after supper.
[单项选择]We finally found a ______ spot under a shady tree for the picnic.
A. like
B. alike
C. likely
D. liking
[单项选择]There was a very big and old tree in the village.
[单项选择]The old man compared(把…比喻为…)the big tree to ______ and the young one to ______.
A. a father, a child
B. son, father
C. an elder child, a younger child
D. a big boy, a small boy
[单项选择]Which of the following is tree
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT tree
A. Educational campaigns are very important to early sowing.
B. Of all the advances that the writer hopes for, early sowing is the most important.
C. Peasants should remain the masters of their fields.
D. Government might as well make good and firm rule for peasants.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is tree
A. Cowrie shells used to be valued because they are easy to carry
B. Salt is still used as money in Tibet
C. Metal is still in use after coins were put into practice
D. Coins and notes have taken the place of nearly all the forms-of money
[单项选择]Which is tree according to the passage
A. It is regulated that the customers must pay a tip if they want to get good service.
B. There exists the tipping custom in each country.
C. In some countries, tipping has become an industry.
D. More and more people are in favor of tipping.
[多项选择]Which four Cisco Spanning Tree Protocol enhancements are supported with rapid per-VLAN Spanning-Tree plus?()
A. PortFast
B. UplinkFast
C. loop guard
D. root guard
E. BPDU guard
F. BackboneFast


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