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发布时间:2023-10-06 15:20:00


Alan, returning home very lately from his club, found an angry wife waiting for him.

更多"Alan, returning home very lately fr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After recovering from his illness, he was very anxious to ______ his work.
A. get back to
B. get through
C. get down
D. get al0ng with
[单项选择]It is because he is very devoted to his students ______ he is respected by them.
A. who
B. that
C. which
D. what
[单项选择]James is very set in his ways, but Mark has a more ______ attitude to life.
A. tolerant
B. flexible
C. cautious
D. defensive
[单项选择]Tom works very hard. His brother, ______ , doesn' t do much at all.
[单项选择]Tom works very hard. His brother, ______ , doesn't do much at all.
[单项选择]His pleasant personality is derived from his good humor and understanding.
A. 由于他性情好又富于同情心,所以他招人喜爱。
B. 他性格好,这是因为他心情好并且通情达理的缘故。
C. 他良好的个性源自于他良好的性情和理解力。
D. 他心情愉快,通情达理,所以性格开朗。
[单项选择]It is a ______ ride from his home to the shopping center.
[单项选择]His difficulties in his work ______ from his lack of experience.
A. issue
B. campaign
C. cause
D. question
[单项选择]It is a ______ride from his home to the shopping center.
[单项选择]His emotional problems()from his experiences as a child, I think.
A. stem
B. flourish
C. root
D. sprout
[单项选择]Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ______.
A. intelligible
B. obscure
C. dim
D. conspicuous
[单项选择]Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very ______.
A. faint
B. indefinite
C. obscure
D. gloomy
[单项选择]When he arrived home, he deposited his coat on the door.
A. kept
B. located
C. stored
D. placed
[单项选择]The Prime Minister frequently wandered from his text to ______ on a point that had obviously caught his audience's interest.
A. stress
B. interrupt
C. elaborate
D. explain
[单项选择]Peter was very glad to know that his creditor generously agreed to ______ all of his debts.
A. take away
B. cut out
C. clear up
D. write off
[单项选择]They arrived home very wet, as they had walked all the way______ the rain.
A. in
B. under
C. into
D. with


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