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发布时间:2023-10-03 10:16:48

[单项选择]Love doesn't exist just because we want it to.
A. 爱不会因为我们希望有爱而存在。
B. 仅仅因为我们希望,爱不会存在。
C. 爱不存在恰恰因为我们希望。
D. 不会因为我们希望,爱就存在。

更多"Love doesn't exist just because we "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He doesn' t want to get married because he is afraid of any ______.
A. committee
B. contamination
C. commemoration
D. commitments
[单项选择]Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she ______ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.
A. has to get
B. were to get
C. had got
D. could have got
[单项选择]Shnmei doesn't want any more pen-friends because she has no time to write letters now.
[单项选择]Mr. Green : I just want to offer you some of my personal ideas about how to manager you hotel. Hotel Manager :That’s very kind of you.Your ideas will___us a great deal.
A. healthy
B. good
C. benefit
D. harm
[单项选择]The coach didn't just want to win the match, but wanted his team to________their opponents by at least three to nil.
A. win
B. strike
C. repel
D. overwhelm
[单项选择]-- May I help you, sir -- Yes, I just want to buy a pen. ______ will do.
A. It
B. Anyone
C. Any one
D. Someone
[单项选择]Just then we had an important piece of work in hand, the generator that supplies the power to the whole works broke ______ .
A. out
B. up
C. off
D. down
[单项选择]Catherine is not happy, because she doesn't know ______ next.
[单项选择]John seldom drinks coffee because he doesn't ______the taste.
A. stand for
B. care about
C. cope with
D. care for
[单项选择]Because he doesn't like me for no reason, he ______ me whenever we meet.
A. overlooks
B. ignores
C. neglects
D. refuses
[单项选择]We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ______ any military threat.
A. up
B. to
C. in
D. at
[单项选择]We love peace, yet we are aot the kind of people to yield ______ any military threat.
A. up
B. to
C. in
D. at
[单项选择]We make it clear that we want those responsible ______.
A. punished
B. punishing
C. to punish
D. being punishing
[单项选择]If we want to be healthy and enjoy life, we should not only work hard but also have recreation.


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