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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:25:33

[单项选择]Who regrets voting for the Iraq war
A. Kucinich.
B. Vilsack.
C. Edwards.

更多"Who regrets voting for the Iraq war"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How valiant that general who prosecutes a war with vigor!
A. brings to trial
B. wages
C. praises
D. condemns
[单项选择]People who believe that war is instinctive with men draw evidences from______.
A. biology
B. philosophy
C. scientific experiments
D. human history
[单项选择]I, who can wage war successfully with the 13ugest beasts, should ______ myself from this spider, the most inconsiderable of insects.
A. fade
B. vanish
C. disappear
D. perish
[单项选择]Who was the US President during World War Ⅱ
A. Dwight D. Eisenhower
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
D. Theodore Roosevelt
[单项选择]During the First World War, soldiers who spent long periods in cold and wet trenches ______.
A. often caught colds
B. never caught colds
C. did not show increased tendency to catch colds
D. did not increase in number
[单项选择]When the Cold War began, who was the president of U.S.A
A. Roosevelt
B. Acheson
C. Eisenhower
D. Truman
[单项选择]Internet voting is growing rapidly because of all of the following EXCEPT that ______.
A. civic engagement enthusiasts regard it as a way to prevent the drop in voter turnout
B. Internet fans think the Internet is going to change everything including politics
C. some people make the plan for developing software for online voting
D. some capitalists are very much concerned about the voter turnout
[单项选择]She regrets ______ idle when young.
A. to have been
B. her being
C. her having been
D. having been
[单项选择]What does Curtis Gans think of the Internet voting
A. It is not serious to vote by means of the Internet.
B. Internet voting is a natural behaviour just like sending an e-mail.
C. Government should make the polls easier for voters to get to.
D. Fewer and fewer people are interested in Internet voting.
[单项选择]The author regrets to see that______.
[单项选择]Joe had many regrets when he ______ the years he spent abroad.
A. looked back on
B. looked down upon
C. looked up to
D. looked out of
[单项选择]It can be inferred that France's voting to the proposed constitution might______.
A. take place ahead of the original schedule
B. accept it under the pressure of government
C. produce great effects to presidential elections
D. have little possibilities to approve it
[单项选择]He didn't go to the party. Now he regrets ______ so.
A. have not done
B. not having done
C. not doing
D. do not do
[单项选择]The destruction of Iraq National Museum was a great loss for mankind that no amount of money could ______.
A. stand up to
B. come up with
C. put up with
D. make up for

Text 3 A possible conflict in Iraq; deteriorating economies in South Americas famine in sub-Saharan Africa; turmoil in Indonesia; political instability in the Balkans. And in many developing countries, persistent crime, lousy education and a lack of opportunities for energetic people to prosper without graft and political connections. No wonder so many people want the chance of a better life in the stable, meritocratic economies of the rich world. No wonder they risk their life savings, or even their lives, to buy the hope of higher earnings, fairer treatment and better opportunities for their families. This movement of humanity brings undoubted gains, and not just to the immigrants. The gap between earnings in the poor and rich worlds is vastly greater than the gap in the prices of traded goods. As our survey argues, the potential economic benefits to the world of liberalizing migration dwarf those from removing trade barriers. Where populations are aging and economies ar
A. it narrows the gap between earnings in the poor and the rich worlds.
B. it helps remove trade barriers between the developing and the developed.
C. it supplies adequate labors to a slow-moving host economy.
D. it increases tax-paying in the host countries without spending public money.


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