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发布时间:2023-11-23 07:26:39

[单项选择]They usually have less money at the end of the project than ______ at the beginning.
A. which
B. which was
C. they have
D. it is

更多"They usually have less money at the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]They usually have less money at the end of the month than ________ at the beginning.
A. which
B. which was
C. they have
D. it is
[单项选择]When you _________ I am sure you will have less pain.
A. are waking up
B. wake up
C. have been waking up
D. have waken up
[单项选择]The large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports ______.
A. the worse than before
B. worse than ever before
C. more bad as before
D. more bad than it was
[单项选择]Parents have to do much less housework for their children today than they used to do.
A. 现今,做父母的让其子女们操持家务的比以往少得多了。
B. 现今,做父母的为其子女们操持家务比以往少得多了。
C. 现今,父母做的家务事比子女们少得多了。
D. 现今,父母做的家务事比子女们多得多了。

翻译题:Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and home has be- come much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made. Washing can go to the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved.

[单项选择]TV may make people less happy with what they have, for they see a world that ________wealth.
A. criticizes
B. exaggerates
C. analyses
D. describes
[单项选择]The couple less ______ to each other tend to end up in divorce.
A. committed
B. linked
C. connected
D. contributed
[单项选择]We have many holidays from the end of March till the beginning of April. They are the best days for ______.
A. blade
B. coincidence
C. balcony
D. entertainment
[单项选择]The book might well have ______ had it been less expensive.
A. worked out
B. gone through
C. caught on
D. fitted in
[单项选择]Their endeavor and _______ to "get ahead" have produced some excellent results.
A. assassination
B. ammunition
C. auction
D. ambition
[单项选择]There could have been a war over it but in the end reason ______.
A. prevailed
B. counted
C. induced
D. survived
[单项选择]Polar explorers have to be extremely ______ to endure the abominable climate and other hardships.
A. rough
B. hard
C. tough
D. cautious
[单项选择]We don't have much time ______; I will end my lecture in a minute.
A. remained
B. kept
C. left
D. found
[单项选择]People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ______.
A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves
B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health
C. they are traveling fast all the time
D. they are becoming busier with their work
[单项选择]We don't have much time __________ ; I will end my lecture in minute.
A. remained
B. left
C. kept
D. found


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