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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:44:13

[单项选择]There is no specific rule ______ what we should wear to a dinner party.
A. because of
B. as to
C. as of
D. but for

更多"There is no specific rule ______ wh"的相关试题:


Governments should rule only with the consent of the governed.()

A. content
B. conquest
C. support
D. agreement
[单项选择]What should we do even though some business trips may include more casual situations
A. Use proper casual language.
B. Brash up on table manners.
C. Save all receipts.
D. Represent your company.
[单项选择]What attitude should we have towards the globalization process
A. Disapproving.
B. Pessimistic.
C. Critical.
D. Indifferent
[单项选择]What should we do when the cat refuses to eat
[单项选择]What should we do in order to feed the increasing population
A. Find jobs for the people driven off land by machines.
B. Produce more food and share them reasonably among the people.
C. Use advanced farming machines and techniques.
D. Get financial aid for poor countries.
[单项选择]What should we do with power tools if they must be left unattended according to the passage
A. Be sure power tools are turned off.
B. Keep children indoors.
C. Never smoke.
D. Never let young children operate them.
[单项选择]What should we do to keep enough water in the body
A. To take two liters of water daily all through the year.
B. To eat everything that contains water.
C. To take in as much as we have lost.
D. To drink only when we feel very thirsty.
[单项选择]As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think______.
A. ought to be said
B. must say
C. have to be said
D. need to say
[简答题]What kind of questions should we ask our students when we want to give them a reason to read?
[单项选择]Man: What should we do tonight Woman: There's supposed to be a huge sale at the mall. Question: What does the woman mean
A. She wants to buy food.
B. She has to sell food.
C. The sale has been postponed.
D. She intends to do some shopping.
[单项选择]Woman: What present should we get for Betty's birthdayMan: She's poor at math, don't you rememberQuestion: What does the man imply
A. They should get her a pocket caculator.
B. They should get her a pocket watch.
C. They should get her a desk-top computer.
D. They should get her a lap-top computer.
[单项选择]We have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in cooperation with ______ who share with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans.
A. a country
B. a city
C. an area
D. all of the people
[单项选择]What happens to us or what we do today will probably ______.
A. become the contents of our dreams
B. have nothing in common with the contents of our dreams
C. appear in our dreams just like the same in real life
D. appear in our dreams usually in the opposite way
[单项选择]What we care is ( ).
A. not price but quality
B. price but not quality
C. but quality not price
D. quality nor price
[单项选择]We should never underestimate influence we can have on the children we love.
A. undersell
B. undervalue
C. disregard
D. misjudge


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