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发布时间:2023-12-10 21:41:11

[单项选择]Last year, some poor people had hardly ______ the severe winter.
A. remained
B. lived
C. endured
D. survived

更多"Last year, some poor people had har"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ the end of last year they had planted 4,000 trees.
[单项选择]It was until last year had he ______.
A. left his hometown for a new start
B. came to realize the importance of learning English
C. worked as an English teacher at a middle school
D. set out to build a new house of his own
[单项选择]We have ______ this year as last year.
A. many as snow
B. as many snow
C. as much snow
D. much as snow
[单项选择]Last year he experienced stomach trouble from which recovered completely after being treated in a hospital for ten days.
A. 去年他患了胃病,在医院治疗10天后痊愈。
B. 去年他患胃病后,去医院治疗,花了10天才痊愈。
C. 去年他犯了胃病,在医院只治疗了10天,他的胃又好了。
D. 去年他的胃突然有毛病,到医院看了10天还没有完全好。
[单项选择]We have ______ rainfall this year than last year.
A. less
B. little
C. fewer
D. few
[单项选择]Last year, hundreds of college students applied for the New Times Cup English Speech
A. Argument
B. Quarrel
C. Debate
D. Contest
[单项选择]Before his death last year, Professor Talline decided that he _________ leave $100,000 to iris university.
A. can
B. would
C. may
D. shall
[单项选择]Last year when he traveled in France he pretended to be French, but his German_________ give him away.
A. accent
B. accessory
C. consensus
D. consent
[单项选择]Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n) ______ of 40,000 per year.
A. average
B. number
C. amount
D. quantity
[单项选择]Before his death last year, Professor Johnson decided that he ______ leave $2,000,000 to his university.
A. can
B. would
C. may
D. shall
[单项选择]The line of railway, which was completed last year, ______ between London and York.
A. stretched
B. spread
C. expanded
D. extended
[单项选择]The decline of PC market last year was triggered by______.
A. the collapse of chip market
B. the bursting of IT bubble
C. the 9. 11 terrorist attacks
D. the barely recovered loss market


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