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发布时间:2023-10-15 03:18:46

[单项选择]You can use credit cards but it’s best to take some currency as well. ( )
A. coupon
B. money
C. coin
D. dime

更多"You can use credit cards but it’s b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You can use several ways to communicate with others except ______.
A. using language
B. making eye contact
C. by the posture
D. using ear contact
[多项选择]Identify two situations in which you can use Data Recovery Advisor for recovery. ()(Choose two.)
A. The user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered.
B. The database files are corrupted when the database is open.
C. You are not able to start up the database instance because the required database files are missing.
D. The archived log files are missing for which backup is not available.
[多项选择]To troubleshoot interface problems, you can use both the disable command and the deactivate command. Which two statements are correct?()
A. If the interface is disabled, the logical unit will administratively shutdown.
B. If the interface is deactivated, the physical interface will administratively shutdown.
C. If the interface is deactivated, the interface configuration is ignored during commit.
D. If the interface is disabled, the logical unit configuration is ignored during commit.
[单项选择]The best thing you can do for your interviewers is to make his/her job easier.
A. 在面试时,你能为考官所做的最好的事就是使他或她的工作变得更轻松。
B. 面试时你最好请考官让你做点容易的事情,这样他或她的工作就会轻松多了。
C. 面试时你得为考官做点儿容易的事情,这几乎是你能做到的最好的事情。
D. 你最好能做到考官在面试时使他或她的工作变得轻松。
[简答题]What are the techniques which you can use to teach intonation in a meaningful way?
[单项选择]______ you keep on practicing English, you can use it freely one day.
A. As long as
B. As well as
C. As soon as
D. As possible as
[单项选择]Credit cards are made of
A. pieces
B. receipt
C. banks
D. plastic
[单项选择]You can use the Course Calendar to help ______ your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates.
A. warn
B. remind
C. convince
D. deprive
[单项选择]In your project,you can use all the following tools and techniques for risk response planning EXCEPT______.
A. strategies for negative risks or threats
B. contingent response planning
C. strategy for threat and opportunities
D. strategy for residual risks
[单项选择]You can use Googlc to ______.
A. search synonyms and antonyms
B. define everything
C. find similar/related pages
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]The()is a temporary storage area that you can use to copy or move selected text or object among application.
A. cache
B. pool
C. buffer
D. clipboard
[单项选择]Most credit cards are biodegradable.
[单项选择]The number of credit cards in circulation in China has more than doubled over the past year and a credit culture begins to take shape in the country.
A. 过去一年,中国的信用卡使用量增长了一倍多,中国关于信用卡的文化正在形成。
B. 过去一年,中国的信用卡流通量增长了一倍多,中国的信用卡文化正在成形。
C. 过去一年,中国的信用卡发行量增长了两倍多,中国正在形成信用卡文化。
D. 过去一年,中国的信用卡发行量增长了逾一倍,中国正在形成信用卡文化。
[单项选择]Fewer and fewer credit cards are made of paper.
[单项选择]The plastic used in credit cards is fairly safe.
[单项选择] Mary’s handbag with three credit cards and two thousand dollars _____ when she was on the train.
A. was stolen
B. were stolen
C. has stolen
D. have been stolen
[单项选择]If you get unwanted e-mails, the best you can do is to ______.
A. make a list of them
B. put them into "cc" lists
C. send them to a special address
D. delete them from different lists
[单项选择]With credit cards when going shopping ______.
A. you will spend more money than planned
B. you will bring along a limited amount of money
C. you will find it convenient to buy everything
D. you will not feel worried about your money
[单项选择]Credit cards are chiefly used to ______.
A. pay rent
B. pay telephone bills
C. buy things
D. pay the seller


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