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发布时间:2023-10-11 01:32:51

[单项选择]It is extremely urgent that they ______ from the mountain before dark.
A. must be rescued
B. should rescue
C. can be rescued
D. be rescued

更多"It is extremely urgent that they __"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is extremely urgent that they ______ from the mountain before dark.
A. must be rescued
B. should rescue
C. can be rescued
D. be rescued
[单项选择]If something urgent happens that prevents you from keeping the appointment, you can change or cancel the appointment immediately.
A. 假如有妨碍你约会的要紧事出现,你最好作出更改或取消约会的抉择。
B. 假如某事突发,使你不能如期约会,你应迅速对改变或取消约会作出反应。
C. 假如有急事需你另行约会,你可改变时间或及时进行约会。
D. 如果你有急事不能按时赴约,可以立即改变或取消约会。
[单项选择]Urgent business prevented me from calling on you.
A. 急事阻止了我,我没能来拜访您。
B. 紧急的生意阻止我无法给你打电话。
C. 我有急事,没能来拜访您。
D. 急事阻止了我给你打电话。
[单项选择]. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam. A B C D
[单项选择]Excuse me. If your call's not too urgent, do you mind ______ mine first
A. I make
B. if I make
C. me to make
D. that I make
[单项选择]() urgent the situation may be, you will need to make one change at a time and then move on
A. As
B. Whenever
C. However
D. Whateve
[单项选择]______ is a slightly sour thick liquid made from milk with bacteria added to it, sometimes sweetened and flavored with fruit and sometimes eaten plain.
A. Yen
B. Yankee
C. Yogurt
D. Yoga
[单项选择]Selected financial information gathered from the Matador Corporation follows:
A. 2007
B. 2006
C. 2005
D. Average debt
E. $ 792000
F. $ 800000
G. $ 820000
H. Average equity
I. $ 215000
J. $ 294000
K. $ 364000
L. Return on assets
M. 5.9%
N. 6.6%
O. 7.2%
P. Quick ratio
Q. 0.3
R. 0.5
S. 0.6
T. Sales
[单项选择]In which aspect jazz is different from classical music
A. Jazz is Americas contribution to popular music.
B. Jazz is coming from natural impulse and has free form.
C. Jazz sounds more modern than classical music.
D. Jazz expresses the moods, interest, and emotions of the people.
[单项选择]He was urgent in his demands.
A. mild
B. sure
C. reasonable
D. pressing
[单项选择] A:The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can't stop to talk. I've got to hurry. B:()
A.  Stay longer
B.  Go slowly
C.  Ok, see you later
[单项选择]A technician upgrades a computer from Windows XP Media Center Edition to Windows Vista Home Premium. After the upgrade Aero will not turn on. The system has a 2.4 GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, and a DirectX 7 video card. Which of the following will resolve this issue?()
A. Aero cannot be used on Windows Vista Home Premium.
B. Upgrade the video card to a DirectX 9 compatible card.
C. Upgrade the video driver.
D. Upgrade the RAM to 4GB
[单项选择]The question has become increasingly urgent to be solved what is the proper balance between the culture heritage and the globalization.
A. 如何在保护本国文化遗产与全球化之间取得合理的平衡,这个问题变得越来越亟待解决。
B. 关于本国文化遗产与全球化之间取得合理的平衡,变得更加迫切需要解决。
C. 问题变得越来越多,越来越急于解决,例如什么是文化遗产与全球化之间的平衡问题。
D. 这个问题变得越来越急于解决,什么是文化遗产与全球化之间的平衡问题。
[单项选择]The most urgent problem that still remains unsolved, however, is how to stop water from wasting.
A. 然而,仍然没有得到解决的最紧迫的问题是怎样阻止水的浪费。
B. 但是,最紧迫的还没有得到解决的问题是怎样阻止水的浪费。
C. 然而,仍然没有得到解决的最紧迫的问题是怎么停止水的浪费。
D. 最紧迫的问题还没有解决,但是,又怎么能停止水的浪费。
[单项选择]The university board of trustees deemed it urgent that a new provost ______ to replace Mr. Dannison who had been diagnosed with cancer.
A. be selected
B. should be. selected (should select)
C. must be selected
D. was selected


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