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发布时间:2023-10-11 08:26:14

[单项选择]Neither of us ______ to undertake the responsibility.
A. were wanting
B. wants
C. want
D. have wanted

更多"Neither of us ______ to undertake t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Neither of us ______ the experience of studying abroad.
A. have
B. having
C. has
D. are having
[单项选择]They are always ready to ______ heavy responsibilities.
A. take in
B. take on
C. put on
D. put in
[单项选择]In deciding to undertake dangerous pursuits, people (usually strive) for their maximum personal ability rating, (when) they (are challenged) but can be victorious, rather than merely (surmounting the mediocre).
A. usually strive
B. when
C. are challenged
D. surmounting the mediocre
[单项选择]If they undertake this project they will inevitably ______ many difficulties that they have never expected.
A. cope
B. suffer
C. encounter
D. involve
[单项选择]A) exceed 13) undertake C) deserve D) proceed
[单项选择]Because modern art is neither completely accepted nor rejected by critics, their ultimate evaluations of it remain ______ .
A. (A) unrelenting
B. (B) arbitrary
C. (C) diminished
D. (D) equivocal
E. (E) passive
[单项选择]His wife speaks neither English nor French.
A. 他妻子既会说英语也会说法语。
B. 他妻子既不会说英语也不会说法语。
C. 他妻子不会说英语,但会说法语。
D. 他妻子会一点英语,也会一点法语。
[单项选择]It takes ______ very unusual mind to undertake ______ analysis of ______ obvious.
A. a; /; the
B. a; the; the
C. /; the; /
D. /; the; the
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is neither expressed nor implied in the passage
A. Adults are uncomfortable in the face of what they perceive as lack of planning by adolescents.
B. Adults are willing to tolerate adolescent probing if it is done with thoughtfulness.
C. Pear that adolescent will take control of their own lives lead to familial regulation.
D. Young people are more inclined to take risks in their approaches to life than adul
[单项选择]Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their final evaluations of it necessarily remain ______.
A. arbitrary
B. estimable
C. unspoken
D. equivocal
[单项选择]Which of the following is neither plant nor animal
A. Tundra
B. Reef coral
C. Penguin
D. Camel
[单项选择]Neither Jack nor the American driver was wanted by the police.
[单项选择]Neither the children nor the old like having their daily _____ upset
A. routine
B. habit
C. custom
D. practice
[单项选择]Neither Mary nor I ()to Shanghai before.
A. has gone   
B. have gone   
C. has been   
D. have been
[单项选择]Neither Cathy nor Susan replied. Linda was angry and ______ at them both for not answering her question.
A. glanced
B. gazed
C. glimpsed
D. glared
[单项选择]Neither the students nor the professor himself()the way out.
A. has found
B. have found
C. found
D. finds


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