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发布时间:2024-03-20 00:47:40

[单项选择]The man shot the bird ______ a gun.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. through

更多"The man shot the bird ______ a gun."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Under man-made stars, the bird in the cage ______.
[单项选择]The word bird used to mean "young bird"; today it means "any kind of bird". This is called ______ in terms of semantic change.
A. broadening
B. narrowing
C. meaning shift
D. class shift
[单项选择]Who is John Bird
[单项选择]BIRD-X offers pest bird control products to ______, control and get rid of birds.
A. compel
B. propel
C. repel
D. dispel
[单项选择]SWAN: BIRD::
A. (A) branch: stalk
B. (B) lion: feline
C. (C) gale : downpour
D. (D) worm : butterfly
E. (E) tortoise : turtle
[单项选择]Customers choose Mr Bird because his shoes
A. are the most fashionable.
B. fit perfectly.
C. look very unusual.
D. are traditional in design.
[单项选择]Wie sagt man, wenn man nicht einverstanden ist
A. Das sehe ich anders.
B. Meine Meinung ist so wie deine.
C. Das ist m glich.
D. Da stimme ich v llig mit Ihnen überein.
[单项选择]The youths probably shot Senator Stennis because ______.
[填空题]The large bird house together with the numerous bird feeders under the eaves attract a considerable number of different species in the summer().
[单项选择]Some officials believe bird flu spread to Africa mainly due to ______.
A. the trade of farm birds
B. the waste and liquids of infected birds
C. the fact that sortie people touched sick birds or any infected part of sick birds
D. the virus changed and started spreading in some new forms
[单项选择]The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to ______it open.
A. break
B. press
C. cut
D. shake
[单项选择]Man: You are looking a little overwhelmed.Man: Exactly, you know. I got a million things to do, and all of them have to be finished within three hours.Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]After the students were shot by the military during a demonstration against the army ______, the girl students dared for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket.
A. control
B. ruling
C. government
D. regime


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