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发布时间:2023-10-31 04:27:10

[单项选择]The Arabian Nights ______ well known to English lovers.
A. are
B. will be
C. were
D. is

更多"The Arabian Nights ______ well know"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The writer became well-known in
A. his thirties in the 1980s
B. the thirties in his 1980
C. his 30s in 1980s
D. the thirties during the 1980
[单项选择]Well-known ______ his new book does sell well.
A. as he is
B. that he is
C. as is he
D. he is so
[单项选择]Northern Ireland is well known in the United Kingdom mainly for its ______.
A. political problems
B. population
C. land
D. culture
[单项选择]Concerning the remarks by those well-known people on self-control, which of the following is NOT true
A. It is better to keep calm, because anger does not mean truth.
B. Not keeping cool in arguing will make a small mistake serious.
C. Anger begins with folly and ends with regret.
D. Anger begins with a storm, and ends with victory.
[单项选择]Which well-known community prevents a BGP speaker from announcing the associated prefix to itsinternal peers?()
A. no-export
B. no-advertise
C. no-readvertise
D. no-export-subconfed
[多项选择]Which three are well-known mandatory BGP attributes? ()
A. Origin
B. AS path
C. Next hop
D. Community
E. Multiple exit discriminator
[单项选择]It is well known that retired workers in China are ______ free medical care.
A. entitled to
B. associated with
C. involved in
D. devoted to
[单项选择]It is well-known that electricity can be transmitted from where it is produced to where it isneeded.
A. 大家知道,电可以从发电的地方输送到需要的地方。
B. 众所周知,把电从发电的地方输送到需要的地方是可以的。
C. 可以把电从发电的地方输送到需要的地方,这是已经知道的。
D. 这是很了解的,电从生产电的地方到需要它的地方是可以的。
[单项选择]Although the speaker was a well-known personality, his speech was poorly ______.
A. raised
B. delivered
C. lectured
D. preached
[单项选择]The three well-known authors who penned the Federalist Papers are ______.
A. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Jay
B. George Washington, James Madison and John Jay
C. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
D. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Adams
[单项选择]All of the following are well-known female writers in 20th-century Britain EXCEPT()
A. George Eliot.
B. Iris Jean Murdoch.
C. Doris Lessing.
D. Muriel Spark.
[单项选择]The author deems that the well-known TV personality is ______.
[单项选择]Robin Hood is a well-known figure in some British ______ in the 1400s.
A. epics
B. fairy tales
C. ballads
D. miracle plays
[单项选择]Professor Lee is well-known for his research in the behaviors of the cats.
A. examination
B. theory
C. study
D. expectation
[单项选择]The carpets made in our factory are well-known for their novel designs, elegant colors, beautiful looks and magnificent air.
A. 我厂生产的地毯以图案新颖,色调雅致,美观大方,富丽堂皇而闻名。
B. 我厂生产的地毯设计新颖,色彩鱼艳,外观漂亮,造型优美。
C. 我厂以生产设计独特,美观好看的地毯而著名。
D. 我厂生产的地毯,以其新颖的图案,雅致的色彩,漂亮的外观和华丽的样式而出名。


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