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发布时间:2023-10-19 08:30:59

[单项选择]The synthetic vitamins are identical ______ those naturally present in our food.
A. for
B. of
C. as
D. with

更多"The synthetic vitamins are identica"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The synthetic fabric feels identical ___________ that natural silk.
A. with
B. for
C. on
D. of
[单项选择]Which program is synthetic benchmark
A. Kernel
B. Quick soft
C. Puzzle
D. Dhrystone
[单项选择]The soybean contains vitamins, essential minerals, _____ high percentage of protein.
A. a
B. and a
C. since a
D. of which a
[单项选择]Although any destruction of vitamins caused by food irradiation could be______ the use of diet supplements, there may be no protection from carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the process.
A. counterbalanced by
B. attributed to
C. inferred from
D. augmented with
[单项选择]It may be concluded that the vitamins people choose to take are often not the ______ lacking in their diet.
A. ones
B. some
C. few
D. many
[单项选择]Vitamins necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of are needed for______ foods into energy and body maintenance.
A. shifting
B. transferring
C. altering
D. transforming
[单项选择]Vitamins do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for ______ foods into energy and body maintenance.
A. transforming
B. transferring
C. altering
D. shifting
[单项选择]Normally a well-mixed diet can supply the vitamins necessary for a healthy body.
A. 正常情况下如果饮食搭配合理,就可提供维持人体健康必需的各种维生索。
B. 健康人体内的维生素都是由一般的搭配合理的饮食提供的。
C. 一般的搭配合理的饮食都可保证对人体健康所需的各种维生素的供给。
D. 一般的搭配合理的饮食和充足的维生素供应是维护身体健康必需的。
[单项选择]The synthetic fibers produced in that large factory account for one third of all the fibers turned out in the area.
A. constitute
B. consist of
C. institute
D. result in
[单项选择]Fruit is rich ______ vitamins.
A. with
B. in
C. at
D. of
[单项选择]When people live an identical and routine life, time seems to _______.
A. stop
B. slow down
C. speed up
D. be in a psychological sense
[单项选择]When we recall a story of identical offspring of Adolf Hitler being raised in order to further his horrible work, we are outraged.
A. enlightened
B. calmed
C. provoked
D. moved
[单项选择]Deficiencies of the various vitamins______.
A. cause identical diseases
B. are no; serious except in the case of vitamin C
C. cause different diseases
D. are often caused by scurvy
[单项选择]How do those of an aristocracy and those of a democracy differ in the use of their imaginations
A. for those of an aristocracy, the imagination is boundless, and for those of a democracy, the imagination is used to reach realistic goals.
B. for those of an aristocracy, the imagination is used to reach realistic goals, and for those of a democracy, the imagination is boundless.
C. for those of an aristocracy, the imagination is boundless, and for those of a democracy, the imagination is used to reach unrealistic goals.
D. for those of an aristocracy, the imagination is bound to be practical, and for those of a democracy, the imagination is used to reach realistic goals.
[单项选择]A man has 29 socks in his drawer, 9 identical blue, 8 identical grey and 12 identical black. The lights have fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make certain that he has a pair of each colour
A. 21
B. 14
C. 23
D. 24
[单项选择]The word "identical" in line I is closest in meaning to
A. ( equally fast
B. ( exactly alike
C. ( near each other
D. ( invisible


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