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发布时间:2023-11-05 05:00:09

[单项选择]Helen was so persistent that her husband ______ at last.
A. conceded
B. converged
C. conceived
D. conferred

更多"Helen was so persistent that her hu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Helen was so persistent that her husband ______ at last.
A. conceded
B. converged
C. conceived
D. conferred
[单项选择]Helen was s6 persistent that her husband ______ at last.
A. conceded
B. converged
C. conceived
D. conferred
[单项选择]Fiona's anxiety about her husband made her a too ______ visitor at the lawyer's office.
A. haunted
B. obsessed
C. lingering
D. frequent
[单项选择]Her husband and her eldest son had been killed______.
A. many years before
B. many years since
C. many years ago
D. many years from now
[单项选择]______ her husband, her daughter also went to see the movie.
A. Except for
B. Beside
C. Except
D. Besides
[单项选择]When her husband laughed at her reaction, Isabel decided ______.
A. to hit her husband with a slipper.
B. to carry on calmly with what she was doing.
C. to pull herself towards the chair she was standing on.
D. to calm down and behave sensibly.
[单项选择]"What makes her so unhappy "" ______one of her favorite books."
A. Because she lost
B. Because of her losing
C. She lost
D. Her losing
[单项选择]He has failed her so many times that she no longer places any ______ on what he promises.
A. reliance
B. belief
C. faith
D. credit
[单项选择]After her husband died, she finished raising her children, and then she ______.
A. moved to Washington, D.C.
B. spent her winters in Washington and the rest of the year visiting her children and grandchildren
C. became sick
D. helped her son to establish a college for the deaf
[单项选择]______ taught Helen Keller her first word.
[单项选择]As her husband is on a business trip and her son is at school, she feels rather ().
A. lonely
B. alone
C. singular
D. single
[单项选择]Her second husband was()as rich as her first.
A. quite
B. very
C. much
D. too
[单项选择]--What made her so upset-- ______ the necklace ______ yesterday.
A. Lost, bought
B. Lost, buying
C. Losing, having bought
D. Losing, bought
[单项选择]Helen probably ______ her rapid recovery to her husband’s devoted care.
A. obliged
B. contributed
C. belonged
D. owned
[单项选择]Helen could not help feeling antipathy toward her father's new wife whom he married just two months after the death of Helen's mother.
A. sympathy
B. concession
C. compassion
D. hostility


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