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发布时间:2023-10-06 18:57:18

[单项选择]Please refer to your personal ______number.
A. (A) identify
B. (B) identities
C. (C) identification
D. (D) identified

更多"Please refer to your personal _____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To speed () your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.
A. up
B. on
C. cut
D. down
[单项选择]To speed ()your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.
A. up
B. on
C. cut
D. down
[单项选择]For your own ______, please fasten your belts before the plane takes off.
A. safeguard
B. save
C. safety
D. safenor
[单项选择]Please have your doctor __ that prescription.
A. signed
B. to sign
C. signing
D. sign
[单项选择]Please take your place,everybody.The meeting will begin in a minute.
A. 请各位就座,会议马上开始了。
B. 请各位站好,会议将在一分钟后开始。
C. 各位,请站到您的位置上,会议将马上开始。
D. 请各位占好地方,会议将在一分钟内开始。
[单项选择]For your own_________, please fasten your belts before the plane takes off.
A. safeguard
B. save
C. safety
D. safener
[单项选择]To speed ()you entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.
A. up
B. on
C. out
D. down
[单项选择]Please take your things--money ,jewelry, cameras and so on with you when you go out of the hotel.
A. expensive
B. worthy
C. precious
D. valuable
[单项选择]Please do your best to get the goods ( ) right away.
A. be dispatched
B. dispatched
C. dispatch
D. dispatching
[单项选择]Please submit your application before 2 o’clock().
A. hand in
B. hand down
C. hand off
D. hand out
[单项选择]We refer to your letter of the twentieth of this month, in which you ask for more favorite terms.
A. 我方指的是贵方本月20号的来信,贵方要求再开几个学期的兴趣班。
B. 贵方本月20号来信收到,信中要求我方提供更优惠的条款。
C. 我方参阅了贵方本月20号的来信,信中要求我方提供更多的优惠条款。
D. 贵方本月20号来信收到,这个月贵方要求更多的优惠条款。
[单项选择]We refer to your letter Of the twentieth Of this month,in which you ask for more favorite terms.
A. 我方指的是贵方本月二十号的来信,贵方要求再开几个学期的兴趣班。
B. 贵方本月二十号来信收到,信中要求我方提供更优惠的条款。
C. 我方参阅厂贵方本月二十号的来信,信中要求我方提供更多的优惠条款。
D. 贵方本月二十号来信收到,这个月贵方要求更多的优惠条款。
[单项选择]Stewardess: Please put your seat up. We'll be serving dinner shortly.Passenger: I'd like to, but there seems to be something wrong with it.()
A. Can you help with it
B. Can you stay a few minutes
C. It's your duty to fix it.
D. Hold on, please.
[单项选择]Please write your name in the ______ space at the top of the page.
A. empty
B. vacant
C. blank
D. free
[单项选择]Please write your name in the _____ space at the top of the form and then hand it back to me.
A. empty
B. bare
C. blank
D. hollow
[单项选择]To speed ______you entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.
A. up
B. on
C. out
D. down


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