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发布时间:2023-10-01 11:01:02

[单项选择]Either the product ______the advertisement should be changed.
A. (A) or
B. (B) and
C. (C) but
D. (D) nor

更多"Either the product ______the advert"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Should either of these situations occur, wrong control actions might be taken and a potential accident sequence initiated.
A. imported
B. installed
C. started
D. interviewed
[单项选择]The performance of the contracted product should be () the technical specifications stipulated in the contract.
A. in compliance to
B. in conformity with
C. in accordance to
D. with respect to
[单项选择]What is an advertisement
[单项选择]Which cleaning product should be used for the inside of a computer?()
A. glass cleaner
B. a simple ammonia and water solution followed by an antistatic solution
C. a bleach solution followed by water
D. compressed air
[单项选择]Which product should be used along with Oracle Enterprise Manager Packs for Fusion Middleware for end-to-end visibility ?()
A.  Oracle Data Masking Pack
B.  Oracle Real Application Testing
C.  Oracle Byte Code Instrumentation for Java (BCI4J)
D.  Oracle Real User Expirience Insight (ORUEI)
[单项选择]A recruitment advertisement must contain the followings except ______.
A. a short description of the job
B. conditions of work and salary
C. the invitation of the introductory letters from applicants
D. an application form
[单项选择]Nowadays a demand for this special advertisement has been created because ______.
A. umemployment rate has been climbing
B. there is a lack of jobs available for artist
C. the job history is considered to be a work of art
D. there is a shortage of top level jobs
[单项选择]According to the advertisement, the element which adds the real color to a city is ______ .
A. the city itself
B. its inhabitants
C. the buildings
D. the markets.
[单项选择]What the author's attitude towards advertisement
A. Critical.
B. Neutral.
C. Doubtful.
D. Positive.

When replying to this advertisement, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.()

A. put inside
B. surround
C. close in
D. close around
[单项选择]The reason why-the bread advertisement is misleading is that ______.
A. thin slices of bread could contain more calories
B. the loaf was cut into regular slices
C. the bread was not genuine bread
D. the total number of calories in the loaf remained the same
[单项选择]The advertisement claims that people can get Dow Jones News by ______.
A. choosing Scottrade
B. paying $ 30
C. investing $300,000
D. doing nothing
[单项选择]The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns ______.
A. promises useful advice to those looking for employment
B. divides avaiable jobs into various types
C. informs employers that people are available for their job vacancise
D. informs job hunters of the job vacancies


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