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发布时间:2023-11-05 07:07:12

[单项选择]The merger raises a number of issues which will need to be addressed as a matter of urgency and in a manner which is fair to employees of both companies.
A. 这次合并引出了很多亟需处理的问题,处理这些问题时需要以一种对两家公司雇员都公平的方式进行。
B. 这次合并使一定数最的问题上升为亟需处理的问题,只有解决这些问题才能保证对两家公司都公平。
C. 这次合并中有很多问题上升为亟需解决的问题,在解决这些问题时要保证对两家公司都不失公平。
D. 这次合并引出了一定数量的亟需处理的问题,在处理时需以一种对两家公司的雇员都公平的方式进行。

更多"The merger raises a number of issue"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The merger raises a number of issues which will need to be addressed as a matter of urgency and in a manner which is fair to employees of both companies.()
A. 这次合并引出了很多亟需处理的问题,处理这些问题时需要以一种对两家公司雇员都公平的方式进行。
B. 这次合并使一定数量的问题上升为亟需处理的问题,只有解决这些问题才能保证对两家公司都公平。
C. 这次合并中有很多问题上升为亟需解决的问题,在解决这些问题时要保证对两家公司都不失公平。
D. 这次合并引出了一定数量的亟需处理的问题,在处理时需以一种对两家公司的雇员都公平的方式进行。
[单项选择]Which of the following connectivity issues is likely to occur within a token ring network?()
A. Crosstalk
B. Broadcast storm
C. Duplex mismatch
D. Collision
[单项选择]Which of the following issues is NOT mentioned in the passage
[单项选择]When updated, which of the following will allow network access to new users?()
A. Route lists
C. Firmware
D. Definitions
[单项选择]Which of the following expansion cards would be necessary to increase fault tolerance in a VoIP server?()
A. Second Modem
B. Second CPU
C. Second HBA
D. Second PBX card
[单项选择]I looked at a number of spoons which were ______ out in front of me, trying to find out the right one for the soup.
A. lied
B. lain
C. laid
D. landed
[单项选择]Which number would you dial for home nursing
A. 0734 442456.
B. 0734 442675.
C. 08675 559478.
D. 08675 564499.
[单项选择]Which number is missing from the third circle
A. 92.
B. 93.
C. 94.
D. 95.
[单项选择]Which timing mode is appropriate for a SONET NE that is adjacent to a SONET NE using BITS-1 timing source?()
B. line timing
C. loop timing
D. internal timing
E. through timing
[单项选择]Which command displays the number of packets transmitted for each NIC available on the system?()
A. entstat -v
B. netstat -i
C. entstat -aon
D. netstat -na
[单项选择]Which configuration command limits the number of connections supported on a single PPPoE major interface?()
A. sessions
B. sa-validate
C. split-horizon
D. duplicate-protection
[单项选择]Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the following is not correct( )
A. evidence of the contract of carriage
B. receipt for the goods shipped
C. document of title to the goods
D. non-negotiable document
[单项选择]Which logical unit number must be configured on an interface using PPP encapsulation?()
A. unit 0
B. unit 1
C. unit 100
D. unit 255
[单项选择]Which type of newspaper contains a number of entertainment and advertising supplements
A. A morning paper.
B. A campus newspaper.
C. An evening paper.
D. A Sunday newspaper.
[单项选择]Which of the following describes what the number two represents in l00Base2 cabling?()
A. Fiber
B. Coaxial cable
D. Twisted pair
[单项选择]Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill
A. (212)344~0996
B. (212)363~7620
C. (212)363~3260
D. (212)269~5755
[单项选择]Marine B(s)/L perform a number of functions,which of the following is not correct( )
A. evidence of the contract of carriage
B. receipt for the goods shipped
C. document of title to the goods
D. non-negotiable document
[单项选择]Which is the telephone number you need when you intend to book a double room at Ramada Inn
A. 1-800-667-8868 or (250) 374-4788.
B. 1-800-575-7322 or (250) 851-0111.
C. 1-800-726-3626 or (250) 374-1218.
D. 14100-663-2832 or (260) 374-0358.


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