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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:43:32

[单项选择]His constant attempt to ______ his colleagues' achievement eventually caused his dismissal.
A. withdraw
B. diminish
C. restrain
D. confine

更多"His constant attempt to ______ his "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He preferred to continue his work()rest on his achievements.
A. more than
B. less than
C. other than
D. rather than
[单项选择]His constant attempts to ______ his colleagues' achievement eventually caused his dismissal.
A. withdraw
B. diminish
C. restrain
D. confine
[单项选择]His constant attempts to ______ his colleagues' a chievement eventually caused his dismissal.
A. withdraw
B. diminish
C. restrain
D. confine
[单项选择]His constant attempts to ________ his colleagues' achievement eventually caused his dismissal.
A. withdraw
B. diminish
C. restrain
D. confine
[单项选择]His colleagues were envious ______ his promotion.
A. by
B. of
C. with
D. to
[单项选择]His imprisonment ______ his colleagues, for they cannot believe that such a respectable and law-abiding person will take bribes.
A. evolves
B. astounds
C. withholds
D. propels
[单项选择]He ______ his work to his colleagues before he went abroad.
A. transferred
B. commenced
C. delivered
D. commended
[单项选择]From the passage we understand that his colleagues think Johnson ______.
[单项选择]His colleagues and former students compiled and published his essays______ his thirty years service with the university.
A. in favor of
B. in place of
C. in honor of
D. in case of

Many of his colleagues eventually agreed that Einstein's theory was tenable.()

A. tenuous
B. warrantable
C. redundant
D. tolerable
[单项选择]How did Andrew Whiten and his colleagues study the chimpanzees' behaviour
A. Through training chimps.
B. Through comparing three groups of chimps.
C. Through trapping.
D. Through controlling three groups of chimps.
[单项选择]Ronald Kahn and his colleagues can make mice live longer by
A. offering them less food.
B. giving them a balanced diet.
C. disrupting the specific genes in their fat cells.
D. preventing them growing larger.
[单项选择]He tried but failed in his attempt to avoid being prosecuted by practicing bribery.
A. sentenced by
B. accused of
C. condemned of
D. blamed for
[单项选择]Dr. Scott Solomon and his colleagues found that _________.
A. Bextra can be used in heart surgery.
B. 4 percent of those given placebo had an adverse event.
C. Celebrex worked as well as aspirin to prevent colon cancer.
D. Celebrex doubled or even tripled deaths from heart attack, stroke or heart failure.
[单项选择]The reference to "Naiman and his colleagues (1978)" in paragraph 4 is made ______.
A. to point out the advantages of an analytical approach
B. to point out that language learning strategies can be identified
C. to point out that different learners learn differently
D. to point out the uniqueness of language learning situations
[单项选择]He impressed all his colleagues as a {{U}}vigorous{{/U}} man in the prime of his career.
A. hot-tempered
B. healthy
C. friendly
D. patient


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