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发布时间:2023-10-16 04:52:40

[单项选择]The students failed to meet the necessary ______ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillment
B. requirements
C. qualities
D. competency

更多"The students failed to meet the nec"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Most of the students failed in the final exam. It ______ easy.
[单项选择]It is necessary for students to take tests at monthly ______.
A. intervals
B. times
C. periods
D. terms
[单项选择]Our proposal failed to meet the ______ established by the committee, so they gave us no money.
A. measurement
B. warrant
C. partition
D. criterion
[单项选择]Person-to-person sale failed to meet the need______.
A. when the Industrial Revolution started
B. when goods began to be produced in great quantities
C. because trains replaced men in carrying goods around
D. as attention was shifted from distribution to production
[单项选择]It is necessary that the students ______ more exercises to do.
A. have
B. must have
C. will have
D. can have
[单项选择]It is, however, necessary to hand over a receipt for the last rental ______ in respect of the assignment of leasehold property.
A. division
B. premium
C. installment
D. installation
[单项选择]All the students in our class passed the English final test ______ him.
A. besides
B. except for
C. except
D. without
[单项选择]A teacher,with his students,is seeing an English film.
A. 跟学生在一起的老师才能看英文的影片。
B. 跟学生在一起时教师看着英文影片。
C. 一位教师正和学生们一起看英文影片。
D. 一位教师正带着学生看一部英文影片。
[单项选择]As college students, we should learn how to tell fight from wrong, good from evil, beauty from ugliness.
A. 作为大学生,我们应该学会如何区分好与坏,识别善与恶,分清美与丑。
B. 作为大学生,我们应该学会如何区分好坏,善恶,美丑。
C. 作为大学生,我们应该学会告诉别人好坏,善恶,美丑。
D. 作为大学生,我们应该学会正确地而不要错误地告诉善恶与美丑。
[单项选择]Hard as he worked,he failed to support the whole family.
A. 他努力工作,却未能支持一家人。
B. 尽管他努力工作,却养不起一家人。
C. 尽管他努力工作,却没有得到全家的支持。
D. 无论他多么努力工作,也养不起一家人。
[单项选择]Of my three students, one is from England,() are from London.
A. the other
B. the others
C. another
D. others
[单项选择]The students have been working _______ for years for the college entrance examination.
A. consequently
B. industrially
C. industriously
D. objectively
[单项选择]Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don't have time.


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