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发布时间:2023-10-07 09:07:43


The woman in the yard gathered her housecoat tightly about her and moved quickly indoor.

更多"The woman in the yard gathered her "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The woman thinks that her daughter should do her homework ______.
[单项选择]Death at last ______the woman patient from her pain.
A. got rid of
B. relieved
C. released
D. left out
[单项选择]Death at last ______ the woman patient from her pain.
A. got rid of
B. relieved
C. released
D. left out
[单项选择]Where and when did the woman park her car

A. In a garage; 2:30 am.
B. On north side of 42nd Street; 2:30 am.
C. On north side of 42nd Street; 2:30 pm.
D. Near the subway on 42nd Street; 2:30 pm.
[单项选择]Neither the woman nor her husband is lazy, for they always run home after the cinema.
[单项选择]What is the name of the woman poet who had her The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America
A. Anne Bradstreet.
B. Maria Edgeworth.
C. Jane Austen.
D. Emily Dickinson.
[单项选择]After talking to the old woman for a while, her fear and timidity ______.
A. went away
B. stopped
C. disappeared
D. left behind
[单项选择]Man: Not every woman could do the thing like her. She is extraordinary.Woman: Yeah, she is. But I'll have my moments.Question: What does the woman mean
A. She thinks she is better than the lady the man is talking about.
B. She thinks she will be successful someday.
C. She thinks she is more charming than the lady the man is talking about.
D. She thinks she has her own specialty.
[单项选择]A woman tells the nurse that her 6-year-old daughter has severe nosebleeds. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give this woman to manage nosebleeds
[单项选择]Woman: Kate always stays in her own world and lives in a dream.Man: I don't think she can find a peaceful mind this way. She'll have to face the reality sooner or later.Question: What's wrong with Kate
[单项选择]Her type of woman can cope with life much more easily().
A. look after
B. deal with
C. take care of
D. take advantage of
[单项选择]The woman ate far more () was good for her.
A. that
B. as
C. than
D. what
[单项选择]Woman: How did Ellen do on her math testMan: She passed it with flying colors.Question: What is the man saying about Ellen
A. Now Ellen can fly a plane.
B. Ellen had a wonderful score on her test.
C. Ellen had a narrow pass.
D. Ellen hates math.
[单项选择]The poor woman ______a baby in her arm, begging by the roadside.
A. took
B. lifted
C. carded
D. brought
[单项选择]The young woman' s parents ________her for questioning their authority.
A. scorned
B. scolded
C. scrubbed
D. scored
[单项选择]A woman had a _______ escape yesterday when her car left the road.
A. slender
B. slim
C. slight
D. narrow


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