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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:50:26

[单项选择]In this passage, the word" fare" means ______.

更多"In this passage, the word' fare' me"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The word "awesome" in the passage means
A. frightening
B. causing fear and respect
C. amazingly new
D. awful
[单项选择]The word "convince" in the passage means ______.
A. cause someone to believe
B. prove
C. make someone understand
D. ensure
[单项选择]The word "subject" in the passage means ______.
A. memory
B. the theme of listening material
C. a branch of knowledge studied
D. the student experimented on
[单项选择]The word "frighten" in the passage means ______.
[单项选择]In this passage the word "associate" means _________.
A. think
B. dream
C. connect in mind
D. imagine
[单项选择]In this passage the word" genius" means ______.
A. a person with special ability
B. a person with no learning at all
C. a person who can do nothing
D. a person who can do everything well
[单项选择]In this passage the word" influence" means _______.
A. affect strongly
B. have feelings
C. get into trouble
D. become interested in
[单项选择]In this passage the word" departure" means _______.
A. the action of leaving
B. the voices of the students
C. the lesson being taught
D. the class which the teacher was giving
[单项选择]The last sentence in this passage means that if we succeed in making workers' jobs more interesting ______.
A. they will want more money
B. they will demand shorter working hours
C. more money and shorter working hours are important factors
D. more money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them
[单项选择]The last sentence in this passage means that ff we succeed in making workers' jobs more interesting ______.
A. they will want more money
B. they will demand shorter working hours
C. more money and shorter working hours are important factors
D. more money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them
[单项选择]The first sentence of the passage means that ______.
A. you may have to fill in a long application form
B. the filling up of an application form takes much time
C. one may have to fill in many application forms before one gets a job
D. application forms should be filled carefully, with no misleading
[单项选择]"Private" in the passage means ______.
A. a private servant
B. someone who does things privately
C. soldier
D. the automated machine which can offer change for a dollar
[单项选择]The first sentence of the passage means______.
[单项选择]The term "downsizing" in this passage means ______.
A. just cutting down to size
B. producing smaller models or styles
C. cutting jobs and positions for higher performance and profits
D. cutting down on incentive programs
[单项选择]A "lift" in the passage means______.
A. an elevator
B. a ride in the car
C. an act of raising something
D. help
[单项选择]H-live-n-one virus in the passage means ______.
A. farm birds
B. infected farm animals
C. people died in Hong Kong
D. a different kind of bird flu virus
[单项选择]In this passage, the word "paralyzed" means unable to ______.
A. move
B. think
C. work
D. speak


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