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发布时间:2024-02-05 04:46:54

[单选题]When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 5选?
A.Be patient
B.Build bridges.
C.Project professionalism.
D.Think positively.
E.Tread lightly at first.
F.Understand team dynamics.
G.What the experts say.

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[单选题]When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 4选?
A.Be patient
B.Build bridges.
C.Project professionalism.
D.Think positively.
E.Tread lightly at first.
F.Understand team dynamics.
G.What the experts say.
[单选题]When you do something new exciting,you have________.
A.a symbol
B.an adventure
C.a job
D.a trip
[单选题]题目 8
I.t's very ( ) to feel nervous when you go to a new school.
A. natural
B. dangerous
C. soft
D. cool
[单选题]When you introduce me to Mr.Johnson,could you please say__________for me?
[单选题] When you ()the street, you must look first.
A. across
B. go cross
C. cross
D. goes across
[单选题]Text 4 When you go to bed,is it because you're tured or because you need to get up at a certain time and want to make sure you get enough sleep?Everyone has a chronotype,which is the sleep cycle that their body would naturally prefer,if left to its own devices.But society forces its own chronotype on people,too.Maybe your prefer to sleep from 2 a.m.t0 10 a.m.But if you have a typical 9-to-5 workday,to get eight hours,you'd probably need to sleep from something like 11 p.m.t0 7 a,m.Individuals'sleep is surely shaped by their jobs,their families,and their habits.But a new study shows that society can shape sleep broadly,on a population level,as well.In the paper,published in Science Advances,Olivia Walch,Amy Cochran,and Daniel Forger of the University of Michigan look at data gathered from a smartphone app to see how sleep cycles vary in different countries and among different demographics.What country people lived in didn't have any noticeable effect on when they woke up,but it was linked to what time they went to bed.And what time they went to bed was linked to how much sleep they got.So in the countries that got less sleep on average,like Japan and Brazil,it was because they were going to bed later,not because they were waking up earlier than people in countries that got more sleep on average,like the Netherlands and Belgium,where people have earlier bedtimes.But it's notable in pointing out bedtime as a problem area.A lot of the research and discussion about the tension between sleep and society has focused on the morning-how the 9-to-5 workday isn't suitable for everyone's internal clocks,how starting the school day later can help teens,who have notoriously late chronotypes,how exposing yourself to light in the moming can help keep your intemal clock wound in a way that promotes good sleep.Bedtime,meanwhile,seems like it should be more of a choice.You wake up to go somewhere,or to start fulfilling responsibilities,and you go to bed when you decide to,based on a complex calculus of how tired you are,how much sleep you want to get,and whether the chapter you were just reading in your book ended on a cliffhanger.But when people are deciding to go to bed differs significantly across societies,it seems there's something cultural at play here,too. The word"chronotype"(Para.2)is closest in meaning to_____
A.the sleep cycle that body would naturally prefer
B.the time people would like to wake up
C.the bedtime people choose for themselves
D.how long people sleep everyday
[单选题]There will eventually come a day when The New York Times cases to publish stories on newsprint.Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate.“Sometime in the future“the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspapers-printing presses.delivery truck-isn’t just expensive it’s excessive at a time when online-only competition don’t have the same set financial constraints.Readers are migrating away from print away,And although print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts revenue from print is still declining.Overhead may be high and circulation lowe,but rushing to eliminate its print editor would be a mistake,says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.Peretti says the Times shouldn't waste time getting of the print business,only if they go about doing it the right away“Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them“he said,“but if you discontinue it,you're going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you."Sometimes that's worth making a change anyway".Peretti gives example of Netflix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming."It was seen as a blunder."he said.The move turned out to be foresighted.And if Peretti were in charge at the times?"l wouldn't pick year to end print."he said.“I would raise and make it into more of a legacy product.”The most loyal costumer would still gel the product they favor.the idea goes,and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in."So if you're overpaying for print,you could feel like you were helping,"peretti said."Then increase it at rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue."In other words,if you're going to print product,make it for the people who are already obsessed with it.Which may be what the Times is doing already.Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly$500 a year—more than twice as much as a digital-only subscription."It's a really hard thing to do and it's a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn't have a legacy business,"Peretti remarked."But we're going to have questions like that where we have things we're doing that don't make sense when the market.Change and the world changes.In those situations,it's better to be more aggressive than less aggressive." Which of the following would be the best title of the text?
A.Shift to Online Newspapers All at Once
B.Cherish the Newspapers Still in Your Hand
C.Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury Good
D.Keep Your Newspapers Forever in Fashion
[单选题]Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying,higher than a bird.Now think of your laptop,thinner than a brown-paper envelope,or your cellphone in the palm of your hand.Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels.You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses,warriors,entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press,studio and theatre,paintbrush and gallery,piano and radio,the mail as well as the mail carrier.(41)The networked computer is an amazing device,the first media machine that serves as the mode of production,means of distribution,site of reception,and place of praise and critique.The computer is the 21st century's culture machine.But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer,we must also tread with caution.(42)I call it a secret war for two reasons.First,most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode.Second,the majority of people who use networked computers to upload are not even aware of the significance of what they are doing.All animals download,but only a few upload.Beavers build dams and birds make nests.Yet for the most part,the animal kingdom moves through the world downloading.Humans are unique in their capacity to not only make tools but then turn around and use them to create superfluous material goods-paintings,sculpture and architecture-and superfluous experiences-music,literature,religion and philosophy.(43)For all the possibilities of our new culture machines,most people are still stuck in download mode.Even after the advent of widespread social media,a pyramid of production remains,with a small number of people uploading material,a slightly larger group commenting on or modifying that content,and a huge percentage remaining content to just consume.(44)Television is a one-way tap flowing into our homes.The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on.(45)What counts as meaningful uploading?My definition revolves around the concept of"stickiness"-creations and experiences to which others adhere. A.Of course,it is precisely these superfluous things that define human culture and ultimately what it is to be human.Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills,but failing to move beyond downloading is to strip oneself of a defining constit


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