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发布时间:2023-12-15 18:59:30

[单选题] You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If possible, you should ______.
A. call for assistance
B. put the vessel’s stern into the wind
C. abandon ship to windward
D. keep going at half speed

更多"[单选题] You are underway when a fire "的相关试题:

[单选题] For most products the fire will die out when the oxygen content is reduced to _____.
A. 10%
B. 12%
C. 15%
D. 21%
[单选题] When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard?
A. Being more than 25 miles from shore
B. Only at night when it’s dark
C. Being more than 6 miles from shore
D. Never
[单选题]When can you give meof the additional items?
A.the price
B.the cost
C.the quotations
D.the money
[单选题] When fighting a fire in a space containing an IMO class 1 hazardous cargo,the most effective fire fighting procedure is to ______.
A.shut down the ventilation and exclude all air to smother the fire
B.use water from fire hoses or a sprinkler system
C.activate the fixed CO2 firefighting system
D.use high-expansion foam
[单选题] You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry,“Man overboard starboard side”.You should instinctively ______.
A.Give full right rudder
B.Give full left rudder
C.Put the rudder amidships
D.Throw a life ring to mark the spot
[单选题] You are fueling your vessel when you notice oil in the water around your vessel.You should immediately stop fueling and ______.
A.Begin cleanup operations
B.Notify the U.S.Coast Guard
C.Leave the area
D.Notify the Corps of Engineers
[单选题] When you enter shallow water,you would expect your rudder response to ______.
A. be sluggish and your speed to decrease
B. be sluggish and your speed to increase
C. improve and your speed to decrease
D. improve and your speed to increase
[单选题] What should you do when you hear the emergency alarm?
A. To proceed to the muster station
B. To inform the master.
C. To assign duty to your officers.
D. To stand by equipment required.
[单选题]APU在地面出现火警时,哪种情况会发生?( )When APU fire occurs on ground, what goes to happen?( )
A.自动灭火,自动停车 APU automatic shutdowm,automatic fire extinguishing
B.自动灭火,人工停车 APU manual shutdowm,automatic fire extinguishin
C.人工灭火,人工停车APU manual shutdowm,manual fire extinguishin
[单选题] When fighting a large fire on your vessel and attacking it from ABOVE the space on fire,it is important to ______.
A.Rotate personnel,due to heat stress
B.Station personnel on the hot deck immediately above the fire
C.Stay low by crouching or kneeling on deck
D.All of the above
[单选题] When you find a suspiciously manoeuvred vessel in vicinity, what should you do?
A. Inform Master and alert crew on deck.
B. Inform Master and put on all deck lights.
C. Inform Officer on Watch.
D. Keep lookout forward.
[单选题]Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar__write correctly.
A.you will
B.you can
C.can you
D.can't you
[单选题]Only when you take great delight in reading and begin reading good books ________ the pleasure of reading.
A.did you taste
B.you taste
C.you will taste
D.will you taste
[判断题]When servicing meals,send out trays from top to bottom.
[单选题] Fire drills should be carried out _____________.
A. at the same location but in different conditions
B. at the same location but with different types of fire
C. at different locations and in different conditions
D. at different locations in different conditions and with different types of fire
[单选题] An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are _________.
A. in meter or fathom
B. in foot or kilometer
C. by meter or fathom
D. by foot or kilometer
[单选题] When you are on deck and see a man fall overboard, what should you do?
A. To shout ‘Man Overboard’ and throw a lifebuoy to the man in water.
B. To put on a lifebuoy and jump into the water to rescue the person in water.
C. To run to the bridge and keep a sharp lookout.
D. To inform the bridge and try to rescue the person in water.
[单选题] Anchors are prevented from running out when secured by the ______.
B.Devil's claw
D.All of the above
[单选题]When the boiler survey is carried out,should be tested and adjusted.
A.the exhaust valve
B.the inlet valve
C.the starting valve
D.the safety valve


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