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发布时间:2023-10-11 22:38:52

[单项选择]An investigation that is ______ can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction.
A. timely
B. unguided
C. consistent
D. subjective

更多"An investigation that is ______ can"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An investigation that is ______ can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction.
A. timely
B. unguided
C. consistent
D. subjective
[单项选择]Besides them, we need ______ to do the work. Can you join us
[单项选择]Why did Coffman request an investigation
A. To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem.
B. To find out the extent of the consequences of the case.
C. To make sure that the school principals were innocent.
D. To stop the voters approving the $ 212 million bond issue.
[单项选择]Though even these buildings are occasionally threatened, their reputation does protect them to some extent.
A. 虽然这些建筑不断地受到威胁,但它们的名气多少能保护它们。
B. 虽然这些建筑有时会受到威胁,但在某些方面它们的名气能保护它们。
C. 虽然这些建筑有时会受到威胁,但它们的名气多少能保护它们。
D. 虽然这些建筑不断的被威胁,但在某些方面它们的名誉能保护它们。
[单项选择]A user reports being occasionally disconnected from the server. Which of the following tools couldthe technician use to determine if it is the client or the server that is dropping the connection?()
A. Packet sniffer
B. Multimeter
C. Load balancer
D. Throughput tester
[单项选择]We occasionally have friends round for dinner but apart from that we don''t _________with others very much.
A. socialize
B. social
C. society
D. socialism
[单项选择]An intelligent TV viewer may occasionally become enraged by the ______ argumentation in commercials.
A. imperative
B. fallacious
C. persuasive
D. fabulous
[单项选择]—You mean I can read any book in your study —Yes, ______ interests you.
A. whichever
B. whatever
C. whoever
D. wherever
[单项选择]Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you Miss Chang: Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening. Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please. Miss Chang: ().
A. Here you are
B. Here it is
C. There is the payment
D. Take the payment, please
[单项选择]You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _________ to put it fight.
A. decisions
B. directions
C. sides
D. steps
[单项选择]The police investigation discovered that three young men were () in the robbery.
A. caught
B. involved
C. connected
D. included
[单项选择]The latest development of the murder investigation has just been __________ to the media.
A. released
B. relieved
C. related
D. retained
[单项选择]A complete investigation into the accident should lead to improved standards and should______ new operating procedures.
A. attribute
B. result in
C. match with
D. proceed with
[单项选择]Occasionally I read a passage or sentence over and over just to let the beauty of its construction ______ in.
A. soak
B. fall
C. suck
D. stick


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