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发布时间:2023-10-10 17:19:40

[单项选择]Consider the universal cannibalism of the sea, all of whose creatures ______ one another.
A. hide from
B. ferret out
C. prey on
D. compete against

更多"Consider the universal cannibalism "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Consider the universal cannibalism of the sea, all of whose creatures ______ one another.
A. hide from
B. ferret out
C. prey on
D. compete against
[单项选择]The importance of the sea includes all of the following, except______.
A. for transportation
B. for sanitation
C. for recreation
D. for additional fresh water
[单项选择]Of all Herman Melville’s sea adventure stories, ________ proves to be the best.
A. Typee
B. Redburn
C. Moby – Dick
D. Omoo
[单项选择]We all consider him a man of {{U}}dynamic{{/U}} personalities.
A. dangerous
B. doubtful
C. active
D. easy
[单项选择]The universal historians give contradictory replies to that question, while the historians of culture ______ giving a direct answer.
A. evade
B. miss
C. shirk
D. steer
[单项选择]Although many colonial scholars consider Jonathan Edwards an important writer, ______ anymore.
A. though few people read his novels
B. but few people read his work
C. and his works are not widely read
D. his works are not widely read
[单项选择]The passage suggests that scientists consider their understanding of gamma-bursts to be
A. (A) incomplete because they still have yet to establish a taxonomy of the various types of GHBs they have observed
B. (B) adequate enough to redirect research toward other more perplexing aspects of black holes
C. (C) unsurprising, given that scientists have long felt kinetic energy to play a role in the emergence of GHBs
D. (D) disappointing because the mechanism by which GHBs become visible is still poorly understood
E. (E) in need of confirmation through comparison with another astronomical phenomenon that involves electromagnetic bursts
[多项选择]Which options would you consider while configuring a flash recovery area (fast recovery area in 11g Release 2) for your production database that is running in ARCHIVELOG mode?()
A. Setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to set the mean time to recover
B. Setting the RECOVERY_PARALLELISM parameter to twice the number of CPUs
C. Using the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter to set the location for flash recovery area
D. Using the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE parameter to define the disk space limit for the recovery files created in the flash recovery area
[单项选择]The effects of almost universal employment were overwhelming in that
A. the household and village community disappeared completely.
B. men now travelled enormous distances to their places of work.
C. young and old people became superfluous components of society.
D. the work status of those not in paid employment suffered.
[单项选择]The author implies that poor people often consider the promise of revolutionaries to be ______.
A. false and treacherous
B. credible and inspiring
C. attractive but impractical
D. superficial and irrelevant
[单项选择]Which of the following activities must consider climate as an important factor
A. Microelectronics.
B. Communications.
C. Banking.
D. Farming.
[单项选择]The European Community says it will consider using force ______ is needed for peace keeping in the region.
A. what
B. that
C. such
D. so
[单项选择]The present question is that many people consider possible what is really impossible if effort is made.
A. 当前的问题是,很多人认为怎么努力也可能会无济于事。
B. 眼前的问题是,很多人认为,不可能的事只要努力就可以变为可能。
C. 目前的问题是,很多人把努力一把能做到的事看成是做不到的事。
D. 现在的问题在于,许多人认为那些能够通过努力达到的事情是不可能有的。
[单项选择]There are those who consider it questionable that these (defenee-linked) research projects will (account for) an improvement in the standard of living or, alternately, (to do much) to protect our (diminishing) resources.
A. defenee-linked
B. account for
C. to do much
D. diminishing
[单项选择]Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. Which statement is true when you identify a connection event that has used external authentication?()
A. The attribute "STATUS" is set to the string EXTERNAL_AUTH
B. The attribute "PRIV_USER" contains the username
C. The event type that is given in the attribute "NAME" is EXTERNAL_AUTH
D. There is no differentiation between native and external authentication events
E. External authentication is managed through external auditing logs
F. The "PROXY_PRIV" user shows a username if external authentication is used
[多项选择]Consider typical High Availability (HA) solutions that do not use shared storage. Which three HA solutions do not use shared storage?()
A. Mysql NDB Cluster
B. Mysql Replication
C. Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) and Mysql
D. Windows Cluster and Mysql
E. Solaris Cluster and Mysql


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