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发布时间:2023-10-10 11:05:28

[单项选择]The new machine failed to ______ the garbage. As a result, the kitchen was filled to bursting with smelly leftovers.
A. expand
B. compact
C. produce
D. criticize

更多"The new machine failed to ______ th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The new machine failed to ______ the garbage. As a result, the kitchen was filled to bursting with smelly leftovers.
A. expand
B. compact
C. produce
D. criticize
[单项选择]There is evidence that this kind of new machine has no side ______ on the patient.
A. affect
B. effect
C. infect
D. detect
[单项选择]This new machine is technically far () to the previous type.
A. superior
B. junior
C. senior
D. equal
[单项选择]The instructions on how to use the new machine ______ that nobody seemed to be able to understand.
A. were very simplistic
B. was very confused
C. were so confusing
D. was so simplistic
[单项选择]The disease failed to ______ to the new drugs the doctor applied.
A. respond
B. correspond
C. answer
D. reply
[单项选择]Why not have a new machine designed — ______. I'll have someone do it soon.
[单项选择]To ______ the temperature of the new machine, the researchers had to work for hours.
A. turn
B. find
C. measure
D. investigate
[单项选择]American colleges and universities failed to graduate half of their four-year degree candidates because
A. most of them lack high-quality faculties
B. the interests of most faculty members lie in research
C. there are not enough incentives for students to study hard
D. they attach greater importance to research and publication than to teaching
[单项选择]The local communities have failed in their efforts to______ with unemployment.
A. settle
B. cope
C. intervene
D. interfere
[单项选择] A filesystem failed to successfully mount, indicating the error message. 0506-324 - cannot mount media not formatted or invalid format 0506-342 - Superblock is dirty run fsck. Which parameter can be passed to the fsck command to automatically take any remedial action required?()
A. -p
B. -y
C. -f
D. -v
[单项选择] A server failed Thursday evening before the nightly backup. The backup scheme in place was full backups every Sunday, incremental backups on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and differential backups on Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday. To fully restore the server. which of the following is the LEAST amount of backup sets required?()
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
[单项选择]The authorities had failed to react fast enough to popular discontent but told citizens that only hard work could bring an improvement in living standards.
A. disadvantage
B. disagreement
C. disbelief
D. dissatisfaction
[单项选择]The advertising agency failed to do business in Bangkok at first. This is because ______.
A. the American business people are not welcome in some parts of Asia
B. the Thai people have no liking for commercial culture
C. it was located in an inappropriate place
D. the local Thais are rude and ill-mannered
[单项选择]Although he failed in the English examination, it was wrong to ____________ with his efforts.
A. laugh
B. mock
C. sneer
D. trifle
[单项选择]Only after I failed in the final examthe importance of hard work.
A. I realized
B. I had realized
C. had I realized
D. did l realize


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