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发布时间:2023-10-20 04:44:15

[单项选择]The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old traditon of ______ dies hard.
A. talkativeness
B. exaggeration
C. condemnation
D. euphemism

更多"The modern age is a permissive one "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old traditon of ______ dies hard.
A. talkativeness
B. exaggeration
C. condemnation
D. euphemism
[单项选择]What is not included in the list of things which are completely ignored in Japanese education
A. Creativity.
B. Personality.
C. Mechanical learning.
D. Courage.
[单项选择]I have omitted many things which ______ a place in the hook.
A. reserved
B. deserved
C. preserved
D. observed
[单项选择]Which should one avoid doing when traveling
A. Keeping vigilant all the time.
B. Walking on the streets late at night.
C. Withdrawing cash on ATM machines.
D. Thinking about the occasional volcano.
[单项选择]Age is one of the {{U}}variables{{/U}} which seems to determine the attitude of an older person toward conformity.
A. sections
B. factors
C. results
D. stimuli
[简答题]Which is one of the largest government departments that deal with education?
[单项选择]Which was one of the most famous political pamphlets written by Jonathan Swift
[单项选择]Which of one the following fields is contained within an IEEE Ethernet frame header?()
A. source and destination MAC address
B. source MAC address and destination network address only
C. source and destination network address only
D. source network address and destination MAC address
E. source and destination MAC address and source and destination network address
[单项选择]Which is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures
A. Getting married.
B. Making vows.
C. Exchanging marriage diamond ring.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, has become rich through ______.
A. manufacturing industries
B. farming and mining
C. service industries
D. forestry and fishing
[单项选择]Which one is not true
[单项选择]Which one is about saving time
A. Point 2.
B. Point 3.
C. Point 4.
D. Point 5.
[单项选择]Which ONE of the following is true
A. Girls all over the world out-perform boys in study.
B. Pupils in the UK spend more time in reading compared with those in other countries.
C. The future of boys in the UK is pessimistic.
D. The British children read more for pleasure than those in other countries.
[单项选择]— Which one would you like to take, this one or that one — I would like to take
[单项选择]Which one of the following in NOT true
A. The use of the English language has not changed much in this century.
B. The BBC announcers speak Standard English.
C. English has no association with class and social status now.
D. Young people all speak English in the same way.
[单项选择]Which one of the following statements is true
A. Shakespearean play is not as popular as before.
B. A person who quotes too much from Shakespeare is considered well learned.
C. A person using too many cliches makes himself unpopular.
D. Phrases from Hamlet are too fresh to be cliches.


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