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发布时间:2023-10-10 11:55:57

[单项选择]Given the existence of so many factions in the field, it was unrealistic of Anna Freud to expect any ______ of opinion.
A. freedom
B. reassessment
C. uniformity
D. expression

更多"Given the existence of so many fact"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Given the existence of so many factions in the field, it was unrealistic of Anna Freud to expect any ______ of opinion.
A. freedom
B. reassessment
C. uniformity
D. expression
[单项选择]He had never given a speech for so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]He had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him.
[单项选择]What explanation is given for many criminals being kept on death row
[单项选择]Many banks work with so many different customers and accounts that they need ______ to record all transactions.
[单项选择]Although he had been many times given the caveat emptor, Feldman purchased paintings and ------- in quantity, often without ------- them first.
A. (A) baubles … rejecting
B. (B) supplies … appraising
C. (C) antiques … examining
D. (D) collectibles … shipping
E. (E) trinkets … criticizing
[单项选择]How many IP addresses can be configured in a given interface?()
A. one primary and one secondary IP address
B. one IP address
C. as many IP addresses as you want
D. one primary and multiple secondary IP addresses
[单项选择]Many economists have given in to the fatal {{U}}lure{{/U}} of mathematics.
A. error
B. puzzle
C. attraction
D. contradiction
[单项选择]How many examples were given by the writer to show the use of radio on the great farms
A. Three.
B. Only one.
C. Two
D. Four
[单项选择]What has brought so many problems to Tokyo today
A. A severe earthquake and the Second World War.
B. The foreign occupation(占领) after the war.
C. The population explosion(爆炸) between1945 and 1960.
D. The rapid development of the city after the war.


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