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发布时间:2023-10-31 07:26:38

[单项选择]When Louise started working ______.
A. she got a little pay but worked and learned very hard
B. she worked alone without any help
C. she was forced to work long hours every day
D. she was encouraged by the public

更多"When Louise started working ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]When Louise started working________.
A. she got a little pay but worked and learned very hard
B. she worked alone without any help
C. she was forced to work long hours every day
D. she was encouraged by the public
[单项选择]The people in the office suddenly started working because ______.
A. they saw a stranger in the office
B. they had finished their morning break
C. no one wanted to talk to Marie
D. the boss was about to arrive
[单项选择]______a boy of ten, he started working to support his family.
A. Being
B. While
C. Because of
D. When still
[单项选择]Shumei started to write letters when she was only ten months old.

Passage Two It all started in wartime Munich when a doctor, Klaus Maertens, had a bad skiing accident. He decided to make himself a comfortable shoe to relieve the pain of walking. Together with a friend, Dr Herbert Funck, he designed a shoe with a special sole. Soon the two men were selling their product all over Germany, mostly to old women with foot trouble. The medical image lasted until 1959, when Maertens decided to find a company to produce the shoes outside Germany. He contacted R. Griggs & Co, a firm in Northamptonshire (England). Griggs anglicized the name which became "Dr Martens". The first British boots were made on 1 April 1960 and soon they began to sell quite well. In the mid-60s the company discovered that their shoes were worn by skinheads. They liked Docs because they wanted to look hard and intimidating. Later, Docs were successful with punks. Then Doc Martens became the favourite shoes of students all over Britains, and more and more youn
A. policeman
B. doctor
C. lawyer
D. teacher

[单项选择]She started to learn English when she was very young, ______ contributes to her success in her eareer.
A. that
B. so that
C. so
D. which
[单项选择]It all started in 1950, when people began to build their houses on the ______ of their cities.
A. paradises
B. omissions
C. orchards
D. outskirts
[单项选择]When Louise Bethune was a girl, she liked to ______.
A. read picture-books of building
B. play toy-building with other girls
C. plan houses and other buildings
D. plan models of buildings
[多项选择]Which three statements are true when working with high-availability clusters? (Choose three.)()
A. The valid cluster-id range is between 0 and 255.
B. Junos OS security devices can belong to more than one cluster if cluster virtualization is enabled.
C. If the cluster-id value is set to 0 on a Junos security device, the device will not participate in the cluster.
D. A reboot is required if the cluster-id or node value is changed.
E. Junos OS security devices can belong to one cluster only.
[单项选择]Have your files protected when working on the computer, ______ you might have them deleted by accident.
A. while
B. so
C. and
D. or


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