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发布时间:2023-10-10 01:47:03

[单项选择]Last week my aunt made a chocolate cake ______ for my sister's birthday.
A. specially
B. generally
C. logically
D. absolutely

更多"Last week my aunt made a chocolate "的相关试题:

[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()gave me a present on my birthday.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()sent me a gift on New Year's Day.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]I made up my mind that under no circumstances _______ to such a principle.
A. couldn’t I agree
B. I couldn’t agree
C. I could agree
D. could I agree
[单项选择]My mother had to visit our aunt at the hospital and insisted that we ______ bread for dinner.
A. eat
B. ate
C. would eat
D. must eat
[单项选择]My aunt arrived here ______ a warm spring morning.
[单项选择]— Shall I get a birthday cake for Mary on my way back —Yes, it'll be nice if you ______.
A. do
B. do invite
C. are
D. invited
[单项选择]My aunt will arrive here tomorrow. ______ is 50 years old.
[单项选择]Since my birth I have had a birthday cake with candles, one for each year of my birthdays. Todate, I have had 325 candles. How old am I
A. 23.
B. 24.
C. 25.
D. 26.
[单项选择]I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ______ of them answered it.
A. either
B. none
C. neither
D. nobody
[单项选择]Yesterday my aunt bought some new________for her flat at the seaside.
A. furniture
B. furnitures
C. possession
D. possessions
[单项选择]My father and I ______ see Aunt Alice next Sunday.
[单项选择]Susan made careful ______as to the kinds of cake and candy needed for her party.
A. stimulation
B. appreciation
C. identification
D. specification
[单项选择]My aunt ______ me for a long time when I met her yesterday.
[单项选择]"Help ______ to some meat,Jack, "my aunt said to me. [A] yourselves (你们自己) [B] yourself [C] myself
[单项选择]The strong medicine made my head ______.
A. whirl
B. shrug
C. quiver
D. chill
[单项选择]This time next week my boyfriend and I will be on vacation. Probably we ________ in the sunshine.
A. am lying
B. have lain
C. will be lying
D. will have lain
[单项选择]I have made an appointment with my dentist to have my tooth pulled out this afternoon.
A. 今天下午我和给我拔牙的牙医有个约会。
B. 今天下午我和牙医约好找个医生给我拔牙。
C. 我和牙医约好今天下午来拿我拔掉的那颗牙。
D. 我指定了一个牙医今天下午给我拔牙。


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