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发布时间:2024-03-30 05:35:33

[单项选择]Tom lived with his grandparents.

更多"Tom lived with his grandparents."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tom lived with his grandparents.
[单项选择]Peter lived with his parents.
[单项选择]Peter lived with his grandparents.
[单项选择]The old Black lived with his wife.
[单项选择]Jack lived with his mother before he worked in the village.
[单项选择]He had two houses. He lived with his wife and child in the outer house,______was comfortable and clean.
A. which
B. that
C. it
D. where
[单项选择]He lived his life apart from the mass of workers ______.
A. from the skill of whom he depended
B. from whose skill he depended
C. on their skills he depended
D. on whose skill he depended
[单项选择]He lived his life apart from the workers on ______ skills he depended.
A. that
B. whose
C. which
D. what
[单项选择]Tom told his teacher that he had ______his English book at home.
A. forgotten
B. left
C. brought
D. taken
[单项选择]______ he lived most of his adult life in France, James Joyce's fiction was always set in Ireland.
A. Because
B. Despite
C. Since
D. Although
[单项选择]Once again Tom checked his test paper carefully to {{U}}diminish{{/U}} all the spelling mistakes from it.
A. eliminate
B. abandon
C. withdraw
D. decrease
[单项选择]--Dose Tom do his new job well -- ______ his old job. How stupid! I think there is no hope for him.
A. No better than
B. Not better than
C. Not so well as
D. No as well as
[单项选择]—Dose Tom do his new job well —______his old job. How stupid ! I think there is no hope for him.
A. No better than
B. Not better than
C. Not se well as
D. No as well as
[单项选择]--Dose Tom do his new job well -- ______ his old job. How stupid! I think there is no hope for him.
A. No better than
B. Not better than
C. Not so well as
D. No as well as
[单项选择]Tom tried his best to keep awake, but the performance was so boring that he couldn't help to sleep.
A. dropping off
B. dropping down
C. dropping away
D. dropping out
[单项选择]--Does Tom do his new job well' --______ his old job. How stupid! I think there is no hope for him.
A. No better than
B. Not better than
C. No so well as
D. No as well as
[单项选择]Tom was on his way to meet his father, whom he ______ for many years.
A. has not seen
B. not saw
C. had not seen
D. did not see


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