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发布时间:2023-09-29 11:31:28

[单项选择]Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event ________ is equal to the probability that it will not occur.
A. occurring
B. to occur
C. occurs
D. occur

更多"Over a very large number of trials,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event ________ is equal to the probability that it will not occur.
A. occurring
B. to occur
C. occurs
D. occur
[单项选择]In large companies the shareholders have very little to do with their day-to-day running.
A. 在大公司里股东几乎不参与公司的日常运作。
B. 大公司里的股民在公司的日常运作中几乎没有什么工作可做。
C. 在大公司里股民几乎与公司的日常运作没什么关系。
D. 在大公司里多是由数量很少的董事会成员来处理日常事务的。
[单项选择]You have been working on a very large software development project that has made use of over 230 people.Finally,all the scope of work is completed,it would be BEST to ().
A. throw a party for the team members
B. make sure the project is integrated with other projects
C. begin to focus on your other projects
D. analyze project success or failure
[单项选择]The sun is very large in comparison with its nine ______ planets which, in turn, are circled by a total of thirty-three satellite.
A. surrounding
B. cycling
C. orbiting
D. whirling
[单项选择]A customer has a very large number of physical Windows-based servers and no centralized storage. Which technology solution will help the customer to reduce the footprint of their existing server estate?()
A. z/OS, DS8000, TSM
B. TSM, LTO-5, VMware
C. System x, VMware, XIV
D. System p, VMware, DS5000
[单项选择]You have a very large table that your users access frequently. Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()
A. The Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)
B. The SQL Tuning Advisor
C. The Segment Advisor
D. The SQL Access Advisor
[单项选择]You should read over the question papers very carefully before you begin to answer them.
[单项选择]The secretary went over the table again very carefully for fear of ______ any important data.
A. overlooking
B. slipping
C. ignoring
D. skimming


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