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发布时间:2024-01-20 03:07:12

[单项选择]We have met with so many difficulties. At last, we can see light at the end of the ______.
A. battle
B. tunnel
C. road
D. day

更多"We have met with so many difficulti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Three years have ______ since we last met at the conference for Internet communication in Beijing.
A. elapsed
B. discerned
C. discontented
D. electrified
[单项选择]We have many holidays from the end of March till the beginning of April. They are the best days for ______.
A. blade
B. coincidence
C. balcony
D. entertainment
[单项选择]We______ on it for many hours but we have not yet reached any concinsion.
A. work
B. have been worked
C. have been working
D. are working
[单项选择]"During last decade, there have been many changes in family life.""Are these changes ________ "
A. for the good or for the bad
B. for the worse or for the better
C. for worse or for better
D. for the worst or for the best
[单项选择]So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of ______ .
A. stuff
B. material
C. stock
D. staff
[单项选择]They have visited many places ______last month.
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we learn that
A. the seas we will depend on for future food have been more or less contaminated.
B. the marine resources are directly bound up with our future life.
C. the exploitation drives are essential for us to improve the quality of llfe on the earth.
D. the ecological balance in the seas has nothing to do with that on the land.
[单项选择]Who ______how many offices we have contacted for the survey
A. (A) knows
B. (B) know
C. (C) is knowing
D. (D) are knowing
[单项选择]When we met Mr. Smith last year, he ______ in that school for ten years.
A. taught
B. was teaching
C. had taught
D. would teach
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we can conclude that
A. siblings are not in the range of scientific research.
B. people learned management skills from family playroom.
C. spouses learned negotiation skills from their sisters and brothers.
D. studies on siblings are on their way.
[单项选择]Though most of the contracts have many provisions in common,each is different from the others owing to the nature of the goods.
A. 尽管大多数合同有许多共同的条款,但每个合同因商品本质的不同而有所不同。
B. 尽管大多数合同都有许多共同的规定,但每个合同由于商品属性不一,合同也各不相同。
C. 尽管大多数合同的条款有不少共同之处,但由于商品的性质不同,合同也各不相同。
D. 尽管大多数合同都提供许多供应,但每个合同因商品的自然状况不同而不同。
[单项选择]From the last paragraph we can see that sometimes the other wives ______.
A. help each other with the housework
B. only help to look after babies
C. live together in one hut
D. are not satisfied with their marriages
[单项选择]A: Haven't we met somewhereB: No, I don't think so.A: Aren't you Kevin GrantB: No, my name's Greg. Greg Brown.A: ______
[单项选择]I don't know him very well,______I have met him socially on a couple of occasions.
A. so that
B. when
C. although
D. since
[单项选择]We have been to the theatre for too many times! Not once since we arrived here ______ to the movies!
A. we have gone
B. we have been
C. had we gone
D. have we been
[单项选择]So far, how many volumes of the book have been published
A. Five.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. None.


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