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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:10:46

[单项选择]If you take the evening program at the International House, you will pay about ______.
A. 60yuan
B. 240 yuan
C. 720yuan
D. 1,000yuan

更多"If you take the evening program at "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which MySQL utility program should you to process and sort the slow Query log based on query time or average query time?()
A. Mysqlaccess
B. Mysqldump
C. Mysqlshow
D. Mysqlslow
E. Mysqldumpslow
[单项选择]How long will it take you if you go to Angel Falls by plane from Caracas
A. Several weeks.
B. Several months.
C. A few days.
D. Several hours.
[单项选择]I shall take you back to France ______ you are well enough to travel.
A. promptly
B. quickly
C. presently
D. instantly
[单项选择]If you are not ______ by then, I'll take you to see the doctor.
[单项选择]When you're ready, I'll take you to ______ airport.
A. /
B. the
C. a
D. an
[单项选择]This program will take kids who have a manifest history of violent acts.
A. determined
B. demonstrated
C. administrated
D. distinguished
[单项选择]Don't let that old rascal take you ()with his clever talk—none of it is true.
A. along
B. in
C. about
D. down
[单项选择]It will take you one hour and fifty minutes ______ the top of Mount Tai.
A. reaching
B. to reach
C. being reached
D. having been reached
[单项选择]It's (high) time they (begin) to take you seriously (and) they know (it).
A. high
B. begin
C. and
D. it
[单项选择]You should take books with you when you go out with your child.
[单项选择]Don't let that old rascal take you ______ with his clever talk—none of it is true.
A. along
B. in
C. about
D. down
[单项选择]Evening dress necessary A. You must wear your evening dress. B. You don't have to wear evening dress, but you can if you like. C. Evening dress will make you look nice.
[单项选择]You should take more exercise if you want to keep ______
[单项选择]Please take what you like, you ______ eat too much.
A. may not
B. would not
C. must not
D. can not
[单项选择]You can fly to London this evening ______ you don't mind changing planes in Paris.
A. unless
B. except
C. so far as
D. provided
[单项选择]You should take the medicine after you read the ______.
A. lines
B. instructions
C. words
D. suggestions


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