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发布时间:2023-12-17 02:44:37

[单项选择]Wait until you are more ______ . It's better to be sure than sorry.
A. inspired
B. satisfied
C. calm
D. certain

更多"Wait until you are more ______ . It"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If you think education is expensive, wait till you see what ______ costs you.
A. ignorance
B. knowledge
C. expenditure
D. school
[单项选择]You'd better ______the water until it has been boiled.
A. not drunk
B. not drinking
C. not to drink
D. not drink
[单项选择]You'd better ______ the water until it has been boiled.
A. not to drink
B. not drink
C. not drunk
D. not drinking
[单项选择]Let us wait for you in the reading-room, __
A. shall we
B. will you
C. do we
D. can you
[单项选择]You'd better _______ the water until it has been boiled.
A. not to drink
B. not drink
C. not drunk
D. not drinking
[单项选择]You''d better _______ the water until it has been boiled.
A. not to drink
B. not drink
C. not drunk
D. not drinking
[单项选择]______ , I'll wait for you to have dinner together. Be back as early as possible.
A. However late it is
B. No matter how it is late
C. However it is late
D. No matter how late is it
[单项选择]It's too late for you to wait for the bus. I think I can give you ______ home.
A. a lift
B. lift
C. to lift
D. lifting
[单项选择]The more you give, ______ you obtain.
A. the more
B. the most
C. the less
D. the least
[单项选择]After an accident you wait for the police because ______.
A. it is against the law to drive off
B. they have to examine your papers
C. somebody may give them a false account of the car
D. they have to note the position of your car
[单项选择]You will complete your project more easily if you take ______ of all the facilities here.
A. privilege
B. advantage
C. chance
D. care
[单项选择]It's no use__ me. I don't know more than you do.
A. in asking
B. asking
C. for me to ask
D. you ask
[单项选择]The more you understand your computer, the ______ it is that you will find out the problems before they occur.
A. more probably
B. more possibly
C. more likely
D. much likely


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