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发布时间:2023-11-13 00:18:08

[单项选择]Although he made a big fortune in the lottery, he is still very ______ of his money.
A. economic
B. thrifty
C. frugal
D. careful

更多"Although he made a big fortune in t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A series of attempts ______made, he came to a successful solution of the problem.
A. to be
B. had been
C. were
D. having been
[单项选择]Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way ______ to the Home Circle Building.
A. easy enough
B. enough easy
C. easily enough
D. enough easily
[单项选择]He has realized-the mistake he had made and wanted to ______ himself.
A. deny
B. redeem
C. exempt
D. conceal
[单项选择]The magician made us think he cut the girl into pieces, but it was merely an ______.
A. illusion
B. impression
C. image
D. illumination
[单项选择]______he said he wasn't hungry, he ate a big breakfast.
A. Although
B. Unless
C. Despite
D. Even
[单项选择]Her good looks and confident,______ manner made her the centre of attention.
A. elaborate
B. elegant
C. excessive
D. exaggerated
[单项选择]He is very helpful. What he did for us made the job much easy
A. done
B. doing
C. to do
D. being done
[单项选择]He talked()he had never met me before, which made me quite embarrassed.
A. as though
B. now that
C. in case
D. only if
[单项选择]He made ______ that he had to resign.
A. so a big mistake
B. a so big mistake
C. such a big mistake
D. such big a mistake
[单项选择]Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ______ for a whole week.
A. constrained
B. dominated
C. restricted
D. occupied
[单项选择]______, he realized he made the right decision.
A. Before long
B. Long before
C. After
D. Before
[单项选择]He made ______ progress that he was praised for it.
A. so fast
B. such a great
C. such many
D. so much
[单项选择]He made an enormous contribution in improving human life.
A. 他在改善人类生活方面作出了巨大贡献。
B. 他投了许多关于提高人类生活水平问题的稿件。
C. 就改善人类生活水平问题展开了长篇论述。
D. 他捐献了巨额财产用以改善人们生活。
[单项选择]An inventor can generally make a big profit if he ______ his or her invention.
A. publishes
B. keeps secret
C. patents
D. sells


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