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发布时间:2023-10-06 09:46:17

[单项选择]It is known that Irish landscape is featured by
A. bogs.
B. mountains.
C. grassland.
D. rivers.

更多"It is known that Irish landscape is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is known that Irish landscape is featured by ______.
A. bogs
B. mountains
C. grassland
D. rivers
[单项选择]James Joyce, the most well-known Irish writer of the modern period, used the stream of consciousness technique in his works
A. Dubliners.
B. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
C. Ulysses.
D. Essays.
[单项选择]The most significant feature of Irish landscape is()which provide peat used for fuel.
A. bogs
B. streams
C. islands
D. cliffs
[单项选择]Irish nationalism climaxed in().in which an Irish Republic was proclaimed.
A. the massacre of Drogheda
B. the Easter Uprising of 1916
C. the battle of the Borne(1690)
D. the Chartist Movement
[单项选择]Since independence the Irish Republic has adhered to().
A. a policy of protectionism
B. a policy of containment
C. a policy of military alliance
D. a policy of neutrality and nonalignment
[单项选择]Which of the following is known as the first known settlers of Britain
A. The Iberians.
B. The Beaker Folk.
C. The Celts.
D. The Gaels.
[单项选择]How many performances will the Irish dancing troupe give between June 23 and 25
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
[单项选择]Hundreds of thousands of Irish people starved during the "Potato Famine" becanse ______ .
A. they were so dependent on potatoes that they refused to eat anything else
B. they were forced to leave their homeland and move to North America
C. the weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing potatoes
D. the potato harvest was bad
[单项选择]The 1937 Constitution abolished the Irish Free State and established Eire as ().
A. a constitutional monarchy
B. a parliamentary republic
C. a federal republic
D. a socialist country
[单项选择]When involving in a conversation with the Irish people who are criticizing their own countries, ______.
A. just feel free to join in their criticism and they will feel you are closer to them
B. never agree with what they are saying
C. you should criticize your own country
D. you should discuss together with them
[单项选择]What is the Republic of Ireland called in Irish
A. Irea.
B. Aire.
C. Eare.
D. Eire.
[单项选择]Thousands of Irish people starved during the "Potato Famine" because
A. they were so dependent on potatoes that they refused to eat anything else.
B. they were forced to leave their homeland and move to America.
C. the weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing potatoes.
D. the potato harvest was bad.
[单项选择]The bank manager asked Irish assistant if it was possible for him to ______ the investment plan within a week.
A. work out
B. make out
C. put out
D. set out
[单项选择]The landscape can change abruptly after a rainstorm in the desert in Xinjiang.
A. sharply
B. suddenly
C. favorably
D. slightly
[单项选择]The Irish lowland _______.
A. is a rocky area
B. has many high mountains
C. is covered by green forests
D. has different landscapes from place to place


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