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发布时间:2023-12-31 22:48:55

[单项选择]Which of the following laboratory results, if found, would be LEAST consistent with the author's explanation of the neurophysiology of taste
A. (A) A group of taste neurons is found which only responds to sweet taste when stimulated by sweet foods.
B. (B) A brain-wave analysis of a rat genetically engineered to lack a sense of sweet tastes is nevertheless found to have a sense of sour tastes.
C. (C) Most tastes are found to have strikingly different neurological effects on humans they do upon animals.
D. (D) A brain-wave analysis of a hamster demonstrates a similar pattern of activity in a given neurological area for both sour and ,sweet stimuli.
E. (E) A group of taste neurons is found which provides insufficient information for taste discrimination.

更多"Which of the following laboratory r"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which laboratory test results would the nurse expect to find in a client diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis
A. Thyroxine (T4), 22μg/dL; triiodothyronine (T3), 320ng/dL; thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) undetectable.
B. T4, 22μg/dL; T3, 200ng/dL; TSH,0.1μIU/mL.
C. T4, 2μg/dL; T3, 200ng/dL; TSH,5.9μIU/mL.
D. T4, 2μg/dL; T3, 35ng/dL; TSH,45μIU/mL.
[单项选择]Which of tile following is LEAST likely to be found as a fossil, assuming that all are buried rapidly
A. a dinosaur.
B. a woolly mammoth.
C. a human ancestor.
D. a worm.
[单项选择]Which of the following laboratory tests is considered the most reliable indicator of renal function
B. Urinalysis.
C. Serum potassium.
D. Serum creatinine.
[单项选择]Which of the following experimental results, if observed, would most clearly contradict the findings of Victor Emmet
A. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fifth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side.
B. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the left side.
C. A left cutter like claw is removed in the six stage and a crusher-claw develops on the fight side.
D. A left cutter like claw is removed in the fourth stage and a crusher claw develops on the right side.
[单项选择]On reviewing the child's laboratory results, the nurse notes a serum potassium level of 3.3mEq/L. Which of the following would the nurse encourage the child to drink
A. Cranberry juice.
B. Apple juice.
C. Grape juice.
D. Orange juice.
[单项选择]Johnson Corp. had the following financial results for the fiscal 2004 year:
A. Current ratio
B. 2.00
C. Quick ratio
D. 1.25
E. Current liabilities
F. $100000
G. Inventory turnover
H. 12
I. Gross profit %
J. 25
[单项选择]Given the following possibilities, which one results in an increase in total consumer expenditures()
A. demand is unitary elastic and price falls.
B. demand is elastic and price rises.
C. demand is inelastic and price rises.
[单项选择]Of the following estimates, which most accurately reflect the actual cost of the project ?()
A. Conceptual estimate
B. Order of magnitude estimate
C. Preliminary estimate
D. Bottom-up estimat
[单项选择]Refer to the following architectures, which one is able to supply a core infrastructure so that customers can capitalize quickly with the change of business requirements?()
A. Branch
B. Campus
C. Teleworker
D. Data center
[单项选择]Which of the following is one way in which Nevelson's art illustrates her theory as it is expressed in paragraph 4
A. She sculpts in wood rather than in metal or stone.
B. She paints her sculptures and frames them in boxes.
C. She makes no preliminary sketches but rather allows the sculpture to develop as she works.
D. She puts together pieces of ordinary objects once used for different purposes to make her sculptures.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT the reason for which Bank of America thrived
[单项选择]All of the following are the results of burning garbage EXCEPT ______
A. the heat produced is used to boil water
B. the steam produced is used to make electricity
C. the garbage burned is turned into fossil fuels
D. the steam produced is used to heat buildings
[单项选择]Given the following LSP configuration, which statement is true?()label-switched-path lsp-xyz { to; primary path1; secondary path2; secondary path3; no-cspf; } path path1 { strict; } path path2 { strict; } path path3 { loose; }
A. The router will use path1 when it is available and stable.
B. The router will use path3 when it is available and stable.
C. The router will attempt to establish path2 only when path1 and path3 are down.
D. The router will attempt to establish path1 only when path2 and path3 are down.
[单项选择]Which the following is NOT true
[单项选择]Which of the following is TRUE
A. The various petroleum products are produced by filtration.
B. Heating and condensation produce the various products.
C. Chemical separation is used to produce the various products.
D. Mechanical means such as the centrifuge are used to produce the various products.
[单项选择]Which of tile following is TRUE
A. All students had traveled in commercial planes before.
B. All students were nervous.
C. Most students felt nervous traveling in commercial planes.
D. Most students felt nervous when they were taken up in a fighter plane.
[单项选择]Which of the following is true
A. Algae have existed for more than 430 million years.
B. It is impossible that algae might be the earliest plant on land.
C. Plants get food from animals in the oceans.
D. Evolution began after animals appeared on land.


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