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发布时间:2023-10-03 20:49:36

[单项选择]How does John behave in school
A. He does not behave well in school.
B. He is concerned about others.
C. He is disliked by everyone.
D. He disobeys his teacher.

更多"How does John behave in school"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How does labor usually behave
A. labor would stipulate for money-wages.
B. labor would violently resist a reduction of real wages.
C. labor would strenuously resist a reduction of both money-wages and real wages.
D. labor would stipulate for real wages.
[单项选择]What question does John Kenneth Galbraith raise in his book The Affluent Society
[单项选择]What does John James Audubon' s declaration indicate
A. Niagara Falls is one of the most wonderful works of God.
B. Niagara Falls has both scenic splendor and profound significance.
C. Pictures and descriptions should be used to bring out the beauty of Niagara Falls.
D. The beauty of Niagara Falls is far beyond what has been showed in pictures and descriptions.
[单项选择]John does well in school. Furthermore, he takes an active part in the social work. The logical relationship between the above sentences is ______. ( )
A. additive
B. adversative
C. causal
D. temporal
[单项选择]W: How does your daughter like her new school M: ______
[单项选择]How does placebo work
[单项选择]It's curious how children always behave much worse when they are ______ holiday.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
[单项选择]The best way to learn how to behave in the working world is.
A. to find a worker and follow him closely
B. to find a person you admire and make friends with him
C. .a person you respect and watch carefully how he acts in different situations
D. to get acquainted with a model you admire
[单项选择]How does aspirin reduce fever
A. It slows down human reactions to fever.
B. It prevents the formation of the fever-related chemical reactions.
C. It interferes with the formation of some acids.
D. It makes human body unconscious of pains.
[单项选择]How does the Hydrapulper work
A. It throws away glass and sand from garbage.
B. It collects heavy metal objects for selling.
C. It separates garbage into useful and useless things.
D. It pumps water into garbage and mixes it.
[单项选择]Mary: Hello, John. How are you feeling now Somebody said you had been sick.John: ______
[单项选择]Mary: Hello, John. How are you feeling now Somebody said you had been sick.John:______
[单项选择]It is how you behave in difficulties ______ shows what you are really tike.
A. as
B. which
C. what
D. that
[单项选择]A: Hi, John, how are you I head you were sick. B: They must have confused me with somebody else._____
A. I was sick last week.
B. I couldn’t agree with you more.
C. So you’re right.
D. I’ve never felt better.
[单项选择]How does Angel Falls get its name
[单项选择]How does everything living on earth live
A. Each plant can live alone.
B. Each animal can live alone.
C. Everything living on earth cannot live without needing other living things.
D. If living things want to live they must kill each other.
[单项选择]How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita's suit
[单项选择]How does a democratic nation influence poetry
A. It limits writing.
B. It enhances writing.
C. It embellishes writing.
D. It deepens writing.


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