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发布时间:2023-10-08 13:10:58

[单项选择]If they (will not) accept a check, we (shall have) to pay (the cash,) though it (would be) much trouble for both sides.
A. will not accept
B. shall have
C. the cash
D. would be

更多"If they (will not) accept a check, "的相关试题:

[填空题]If they will not accept a check, we shall have to pay in the cash, though it would be much trouble for both sides().
[单项选择]We shall have to ______ if we want to go to Florida this summer.
A. lay up
B. save up
C. make off
D. put away
[单项选择]To make this ______ clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
A. distinction
B. indication
C. recognition
D. constitution
[单项选择]—Shall we go and have a picnic at the weekend — ______ It's said that there might be snow then.
A. Why not
B. Great!
C. Good idea!
D. It depends.
[单项选择]() we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revisions work.
A. For now
B. Now that
C. Ever since
D. By now
[单项选择]() we have finished the book, we shall start doing some exercises.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. Since already
[单项选择]He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ________ his acceptance in writing.
A. affirm
B. inform
C. conform
D. confirm
[单项选择]() we have finished the course, we shall take a new one.
A. Since now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. By now
[单项选择]I shall have a roommate in the house after all these ______ years.
A. single
B. alone
C. sole
D. lonely
[单项选择]I shall have a companion in the house after all these ______ years.
A. alone
B. single
C. lonely
D. simple
[单项选择]______ we have finished our lesson, we shall start to do some revision work.
A. For now
B. Now that
C. Ever since
D. By now
[单项选择]______ we have finished the Course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. By now
[单项选择]______we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. For now
B. Now that
C. Ever since.
D. By now
[单项选择]We have made () that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.
A. clear
B. it is clear
C. that clear
D. it clear
[单项选择]______ we have finished the book, we shall start doing some exercises.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. Since already
[单项选择]______we have finished the text, we shall start doing more revision exercises.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. By now


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