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发布时间:2023-10-07 04:53:31

[单项选择]Last week I wrote to the hotel to book a room, but they () yet.
A. didn't answer
B. wasn't answering
C. hadn't answered
D. haven't answered

更多"Last week I wrote to the hotel to b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]They purchased a car last week.
A. bought
B. lost
C. got
D. sold
[单项选择]Manchester United reached the agreement last week with Royal Madrid over the ______ of Beckham
A. transfer
B. transport
C. transform
D. transmit
[单项选择]Last week there was a basketball match between two teams. The score was 43:42. We are only ______ beaten.
A. slightly
B. narrowly
C. nearly
D. closely
[单项选择]The organization issued a cry of alarm last week, citing “__________ evidence” that those children are not receiving the same quality of education as their richer peers.
A. comparing
B. completing
C. compelling
D. composing
[单项选择]Last week the president of the company held a party, but people thought it a great pity ______ the most humorous, intelligent and beautiful woman in the company.
A. to invite
B. not to invite
C. to have invited
D. not to have invited
[单项选择]Last week 22 cars were reported to have been stolen. of these only one has been found, ______in Rockinghill Palace Road, 20 miles away.
A. abandoned
B. being abandoned
C. having been abandoned
D. to be abandoned

The only problem with the debate last week was that the beginning sounded more like a personal attack than a dispassionate, intellectual arguing .()

A. discussion
B. argument
C. talk
D. speech
[单项选择]John regretted () to the meeting last week.
A. not going
B. not to go
C. not having been going
D. not to be going
[单项选择]Man: How about the examination last week Woman: If I'd got more time, I could have made it. Question: What does the woman imply
[单项选择]They just bought a new house last week and will have it ________ next week.
A. done up
B. do up
C. made up
D. make up
[单项选择]I got a new battery for my recorder only last week, but it seems to have ______ already.
A. worn out
B. run down
C. knocked off
D. gone off
[单项选择]Woman: What a pleasant surprise! Last week we bumped into each other here too!Man: You and I must share the idea that the only way to beat the crowds when you do weekend shopping is to be here at the morning opening hour.Question: What does the man imply
A. There is a far bigger crowd in the shop on weekdays.
B. You can get bargains when you do shopping at opening hour on weekends.
C. You can avoid the crowd when you do shopping at an earlier hour on weekends.
D. At opening hour on weekends the shop is usually swamped with people.
[单项选择]Last week, the Us bishops adopted rules to take priests who minors out of any ministerial activities.
A. administer
B. generate
C. implicate
D. molest
[单项选择]Last week Jeffrey Dunn, president of Coca-Cola Americas, made an important decision to ______.
A. defend its red logo on a still larger scale
B. agree to negotiate with Pepsi over new terms
C. modify its sales engineering at high schools
D. give up its exclusive "pouring rights" on campus


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