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发布时间:2023-10-14 06:59:12

[单项选择]Today' s young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents, and they are more prepared to use it .
A. 如今年轻人的购买能力一般都超过他们父母,而且更乐意消费。
B. 总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母多,而且他们时刻准备消费掉。
C. 如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方,而且他们更做好了花钱的准备。
D. 今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多买东西,而且时刻准备这么做。

更多"Today' s young people generally hav"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Today's young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents, and they are more pre- pared to use it.
A. 如今年轻人的购买能力一般都超过他们父母,而且更乐意消费。
B. 总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母更多,而且他们时刻准备消费掉。
C. 如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方,而且他们更做好了花钱的准备。
D. 今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多买东西,而且时刻准备这么做。
[单项选择]Today people have more messages to give to each other than twenty years ago.
[单项选择]Young people today can't really choose what they should buy because they______.
[单项选择]More and more people today ______.
A. are trying activities such as bungee jumping
B. are climbing the highest mountains
C. are close to death in sports
D. are looking for adventures such as exploring unknown places
[单项选择]--Some young people today seen, to believe in ______ more than fashion and pop music. --I agree. But they should seek after elegant taste.
A. not
B. nothing
C. nobody
D. none
[单项选择]--Some young people today seem to believe in ______ more than fashion and pop music.--I agree. But they should seek after elegant taste.
A. not
B. nothing
C. nobody
D. none
[单项选择]People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.
A. 如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。
B. 如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。
C. 如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。
D. 如今人们有了更多的空闲时间,这就是要求迅速提高服务质量的原因。
[单项选择]Young people always complain, more or less justly, that their parents are out of ______ with modern ways.
A. link
B. connection
C. association
D. touch
[单项选择]These young people have much to be dissatisfied with, and they sometimes do______, but on the whole they study hard, knowing the problems the states is facing.
A. grumble
B. frustrate
C. frown
D. perplex
[单项选择]In some countries more and more young people now wear _________ hair.
A. false
B. untrue
C. spare
D. unnatural
[单项选择]Thousands. of young people have learned ______ cars.
A. drive
B. driving
C. drove
D. to drive
[单项选择]People, young and old, ought to take physical examinations at regular intervals so as to know their own health.
A. 不管是年轻的还是年老的,都必须在一段时间内进行体检,以了解自己的身体状况。
B. 无论年轻人还是老年人都应该按规定检查身体,以确保自己的健康。
C. 年轻人还是老年人都应该坚持体育锻炼,直到确保自己健康为止。
D. 老人也好,年轻人也好,都应该定期检查身体以了解自己的健康状况。
[单项选择]Many people today, worldwide, remember exactly what they were doing when John F Kennedy was ______ in Dallas.
A. murdered
B. executed
C. assassinated
D. massacred


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