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发布时间:2023-11-07 22:18:37

[单项选择]A Smarter Web is meant to be
A. a faster search engine.
B. a semantic Web.
C. a hypertext system.
D. a metadata.

更多"A Smarter Web is meant to be"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The purpose of the smarter Web is NOT
A. to ensure automatic exchange between programs, applications, databases and people.
B. to develop the "hypertext" system of linking documents and other information.
C. to try to solve such problems as multiple searches involved in the cyber surfing.
D. to browse the Internet and trade data without any direct human intervention.
[单项选择]Which of the following is true of the smarter Web, according to the author of this passage
A. The smarter Web is theoretically accessible to the present web.
B. The smarter Web is to link all computers up more automatically.
C. The smarter Web is interactive in its powerful searching ability.
D. The smarter Web is more coded and more program-oriented.
[单项选择]Technology has meant more information is available at a faster speed ______.
A. but this creates pressures on newsrooms to control it
B. and this has meant that newsrooms can improve its quality
C. but there needs to be more reflection on the integrity of the process
D. and this has created division among the various departments in a newspaper
[单项选择]Knowing that the slightest mistake meant losing his job, the waiter carried the expensive glasses______ from the kitchen.
A. cautiously
B. gravely
C. profoundly
D. radically
[单项选择]Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it ______ replaced.
A. should have been
B. would have been
C. could have been
D. might have been
[多项选择]Which two agent listeners are meant for Oracle eBusiness Suite only? ()(Choose two.)
A. Workflow Error
B. Workflow Deferred
C. Workflow Java Error
D. Workflow Java Deferred
E. Workflow Inbound Notification
F. Workflow Deferred Notification
[单项选择]The word "offend" originally meant to strike against, but now the word signifies to create or excite anger. This is an example of ______.
A. meaning shift
B. widening of meaning
C. narrowing of meaning
D. loss of meaning
[单项选择]The word library originally meant____.
A. freedom from ignorance
B. collections of books
C. means of communication
D. storage of knowledge
[单项选择]I meant ______ you.
A. to help
B. help
C. helping
D. be helpful to
[单项选择]The word task originally meant money to be paid by people of businesses to a government for public purposes, but now it refers to work that has to be done. This is an example of ______.
A. narrowing of meaning
B. widening of meaning
C. meaning shift
D. loss of meaning
[单项选择]The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we don't have to work. This is an example of______.
A. meaning shift
B. widening of meaning
C. narrowing of meaning
D. loss of meaning
[单项选择]In the first paragraph, the writer meant to say that ______.
A. his three passions were uncontrollable
B. his three passions were very simple
C. he could govern his life
D. he could govern his passions
[单项选择]The word "orator" originally meant speaker; but now it signifies the person who makes speech. This is an example of ______.
A. narrowing of meaning
B. widening of meaning
C. meaning shift
D. loss of meaning
[单项选择]The word "girl" originally meant young people; and now it refers to young lady. This is an example of
A. meaning shift
B. loss of meaning
C. widening of meaning
D. narrowing of meaning
[单项选择]He merely meant to give his opinion, not to start an argument.
A. simply
B. sincerely
C. actually
D. definitely


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