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发布时间:2023-09-29 09:45:15

[单项选择]What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school
A. Profound knowledge of the world.
B. Practical abilities for future career.
C. The habit of thinking independently.
D. The confidence in intellectual pursuits.

更多"What do American parents expect the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school
A. Profound knowledge of the world.
B. Practical abilities for future career.
C. The habit of thinking independently.
D. The confidence in intellectual pursuits.
[单项选择]Her parents expect ______a qualified doctor.
A. her being
B. her of being
C. her to be
D. of her to be
[单项选择]What do parents worry most about their children
[单项选择]The bad effect of the treatment American children gets today______.
A. are not taken seriously
B. has aroused hot debates
C. is beginning to be recognized
D. is unquestionable
[单项选择]American children customarily go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
A. gaily
B. traditionally
C. readily
D. inevitably
[单项选择]Most American children go to school at the age of six.
[单项选择]What do you expect the author is going to discuss in the next paragraph if possible
A. The negative effects of the "one-way-to-win" mentality.
B. The dispensability of college education.
C. The possible successful stories of college graduates.
D. The successful career-related courses like vocational-training.
[单项选择]Man: What do your parents think about your new jobWoman: When I told them I was going to work for the company, they got excited. They were so happy that one of their girls could go out and see the world.Question: What kind of new job does the woman have
A. She will travel a lot.
B. She will work as a white-collar.
C. She will work in a big office.
D. She will work in an international company.
[单项选择]It is common that American children ______。
A. make troubles in public places
B. behave indecently when they grow up
C. talk to their parents in the same way as other cultures
D. are particularly lacking in civility at home
[单项选择]Parents have to do much less housework for their children today than they used to do.
A. 现今,做父母的让其子女们操持家务的比以往少得多了。
B. 现今,做父母的为其子女们操持家务比以往少得多了。
C. 现今,父母做的家务事比子女们少得多了。
D. 现今,父母做的家务事比子女们多得多了。

翻译题:Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and home has be- come much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made. Washing can go to the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved.

[单项选择]What do people do on Thanksgiving Day according to the passage
A. Grateful for good harvests.
B. Eat turkeys.
C. Celebrate it with a big party.
D. Give each other gifts.
[单项选择]What do American people always do when servings are too large for them
A. They take the food home with a doggie bag for their dogs.
B. They leave the food on the table and go away.
C. They take the food home with a doggie bag and enjoy the food later.
D. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.
[单项选择]According to the passage, what do squirrels do when large quantities of acorns are available
A. They do not store acorns
B. They eat more than 74 percent of available acorns
C. They do not retrieve all the acorns that they have stored
D. They hide acorns in tree cavities
[单项选择]What do teachers do that the author think they should not do
[单项选择]What do people usually do to deal with their loneliness
A. To go out to watch more moives.
B. To go shopping or have a journey.
C. To join a club or a society, and go out and meet people.
D. To move to live nearby their relatives.
[单项选择]How do you expect me to do my work with you interrupting me all the time()
A. 你一直期望我和你一起做事
B. 你一直打搅我,怎么能期望我做事情呢
C. 你一直打断我的工作,怎么能指望我
D. 你老是打搅我,我怎么工作


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