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发布时间:2023-11-19 23:58:53

[单项选择]Why is music important
A. It can arouse excitement
B. It can help to slow down body rhythms
C. It can make people eager to study
D. It makes people used to the passive learning

更多"Why is music important"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The most important reason why the Hush administration support more new nuclear-power plants is that ______.
A. they need little government financial support
B. they will increase energy security
C. they help lessen dependence on fossil fuels
D. they are environmentally friendly
[单项选择]The most important reason why royal wedding causes such a great interest is that ______.
A. a commoner is married into a royal family
B. the prince finally finds his bride
C. a famous TV journalist gets married
D. the wedding is expensive
[单项选择]The most important reason why so many companies have come to the U. S. is that ______.
A. the environment is politically stable
B. the market in the U.S. is very attractive
C. the labor cost there has been reduced
D. the U. S. technology is advanced
[单项选择]Why is lightweight luggage important for travelling businesswomen
A. It provides space for dirty clothes
B. It enables them to travel easily
C. It can also be used as a briefcase
D. It can be easily folded when packed
[简答题]Why is listening important in learning English?
[单项选择]Why is lightweight luggage important for the traveling businesswoman
A. It provides space for dirty clothes.
B. It is easy to move.
C. It can double as a briefcase.
D. It is usually big enough to carry all business documents.
[单项选择]Why do managers consider it important to be invited to meetings
A. They can impress their superiors.
B. All the important company decisions are made at meetings.
C. It makes them feel that their opinions are of importance to others.
D. They can share problems and anxieties.
[单项选择]Why is the question of trade union power important in Britain
A. Because its economy is very interdependent.
B. Because unions have been established a long time.
C. Because there are more unions in Britain than elsewhere.
D. Because there are many essential services.
[单项选择]Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle
A. Because previous seals all failed.
B. Because it was very complex in running the space program.
C. Because cracks in the seals could be disastrous.
D. Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.
[单项选择]Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada
A. Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood.
B. Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and books.
C. Pulp and paper export is a major source of income for Canada.
D. Hemp is a traditional plant of Canada.
[单项选择]Why light in color is important to large animals in deserts
A. It helped them maintain a constant normal body temperature.
B. It reflects rather than absorbs the sun-light.
C. It helps them see their peers at night.
D. It keeps them keep cool during the night.
[单项选择]Why are the minutes of meetings important for a company
A. They provide a clear history of the firm and its evolution.
B. They concentrate scattered memos and directives in one synthetic document.
C. They reflect decision-making and control over company life.
D. They record any individual disagreements with company decisions.
[单项选择]Why is QoS important in a converged network?()
A. Because voice data packets must follow a single dedicated path through the network
B. Because voice data packets should arrive quickly and sequentially, and with no lost data
C. Because lost voice-data packets must be retransmitted
D. Because data does not need to arrive intact, so data transfer rates can be variable


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